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1 Gold for Good Avatar

2 Ziua 657, 17:21 Publicat în Peru Peru

I'm willing to give someone who gives me a good newspaper avatar 1 gold. If you actually take time and design it yourself I'll give you 2 gold. Submit entries bellow by leaving the images URL.

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Back In Town!

1 Ziua 657, 13:10 Publicat în Peru Peru

Hey everyone,

This is Robert Grosseteste and I just wanted to say that I'm back for good. I'm sure some stuff had to change since I've been gone.
+Who can I talk to about joining the army
+If the government, my party, or a company need

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So Slow

3 Ziua 656, 19:37 Publicat în Greece Greece

OMG I've been in the country forever, I've created companies, applied to join the military, and applied for citizenship. So... my companies are running at no to negative profit, no one has gotten back to me about joining the army, and my citizenship

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Thinking about moving

9 Ziua 656, 19:30 Publicat în USA USA

I was an American, moved to Peru helping to found the nation... got bored, moved to Greece. So, my question is can anyone give me a reason as to why I should move to the US??? Leave them as comments down there 🙂

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Lucrative Aspects of Peru???

2 Ziua 656, 19:17 Publicat în Peru Peru

I have 50 gold to invest. If I were to invest in a company in Peru what should it be. Also if anyone is looking for a business shareholer talk to me about investing.

(I think I need to shave???)

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