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Greetings Dear 馃悙 Readers :)
This News Bulletin is Brought 2 U by Sergeant Spring in eCyprus.
~~ Quod medicina aliis, aliis est acre venenum ~~

Breaking the Silence - 砖讜讘专 砖转讬拽讛

57 Hari ke 1,710, 20:58 Diterbitkan di Israel Israel Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

There will be no english version to this article - i'm sorry.
but it's to long and it's for the kids anyway so maybe later...

שבת שלום וצום קל לכולם

הרבה זמן לא כתבתי, לא היה זמן, היו הודעות לקרוא, החלטות לקבל ואנשים שצריך להקדיש להם זמן ומא

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讬砖专讗诇 砖讛讬讗 拽讛讬诇讛 - an eIsrael that is a Community

15 Hari ke 1,702, 17:38 Diterbitkan di Israel Israel Langkah pertama di eRepublik Langkah pertama di eRepublik

Hi friend,

Today i visited a friend i didnt see for a long time in RL... & as you all know there comes a point when the lap-top finds his way to your hands and your find yourself mambling... just for a minute... a quick fight and that it... y'a

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Party Elections [Day 1,699] 讘讞讬专讜转 诇专讗砖讜转 讛诪驻诇讙讛

20 Hari ke 1,699, 04:39 Diterbitkan di Israel Israel Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

Dear Citizens of eIsrael, we have another election day, and as always we celebrate the democracy of our beloved country.

As we all know, last congress elections we had 7 new … lebih lanjut »

讛拽诪转 驻讬拽讜讚 讙讘讜讛 诇爪讛"诇 - HEB/ENG - Creating a High Command for eIDF

112 Hari ke 1,697, 00:08 Diterbitkan di Israel Israel Perintah perang Perintah perang



### For the English

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A Presidential Gift - 诪转谞讛 谞砖讬讗讜转讬转

54 Hari ke 1,695, 03:09 Diterbitkan di Israel Israel Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Dear friends,

Since our friend Joe left me with the CP job, i feel like i must do something to lift our spirits a bit.
so i have decided to give away some food for all of Israel's residents .

how is it done ? very simple 🙂 just leave a

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