[Mav] See you around, eIndia

Day 1,264, 15:15 Published in India India by Mav10 DK

Diktatory Warning: Short artikles are fail. Get Informed, Get Inspired, Get Involved. Don't be a Dik.
May 07, Day 1264 | Article #47.0 | Tags: Farewell
PizzaBoy's Pizza Service OPEN: FREE FOOD for eIndians below Level 16: 30-40 Q3 Food (180 - 240 wellness) EVERYDAY!! Just send me a message & it shall be delivered! First come, first serve.

Mav picks up the phone with a heavy heart. Its tough saying goodbye to one's dearest. But he knows its time both moved on. He punches in the numbers slowly and deliberately.

It rings twice, and she picks it up.

Mav: Hello eIndia dearest, how have you been?

eIndia: Fine, dear. You?

Mav: Oh, I'm okay. I feel relieved and yet, sad.

eIndia: Why? Something I said.. or did?

Mav: Oh no! You have been wonderful. Always have been. Taking care of me, when I was so new; showing me such a great time; introducing me with such wonderful friends and precious comrades; bringing me back when I had given up for good. Its been nothing but great.

I just wish... I could have done more for you.

eIndia: But you did, dear. Even putting aside all the days and hours spent last year, alongside Ashwamedh and likes working the ATO; in the past 6 months, you managed to get China to bring us back on the map, when we got wiped out; brought back our allies at a time when the eWorld had little faith in us; managed Training Wars with one time enemies; laid the ground-work for our relations with Bulgaria; your efforts in taking care of newbies; steering my ship towards the glory we eIndians deserve.

Mav: But it wasn't all me. I could never have done it, if not for the unstinting faith placed in me by my eIndian brothers & sisters; or the support I got when I had to take hard decisions at crucial times. It is them who deserve the real kudos for having the courage to place your safety and security in my hands.

Yes, I have been criticized at times; but I am fine with it. At least it shows people care enough to speak up.

eIndia: Whatever be, I heard you had a great support system!

Mav: Absolutely! That would have to be 2 people more than anything else: Graf Sprat & Navincharles. They are undoubtedly the 2 most awesome folk I have ever come across in the new World. Especially in the past 2 months. You, my dear, owe them a lot! And of course not to forget the ground-breaking work by David & others; and special thanks to my friend, Rainy for moving to eIndia at a crucial time, and sticking by our lot.

eIndia: So what then do you regret?

Mav: Mostly that of losing friends over a game; maybe people take it too seriously, or I don't take it seriously enough; but in any case, friendship was and always will be the most important reason for my existence here, and losing friends over anything, especially a game... it sucks.

And of course, as always, that I could have done more, been more. There was so much work to be done; the Constitution, which I hope Gomp, Shaz and others see through; the Rajya Sabha, which I had entrusted to Anant, and hope to see realized soon - the beacon of hope for eIndia; IAF turning into an even more kickass force than it is today, swinging battles in our and our allies' favor; more and more capable people involved in the eIndian Government & the list goes on.

But I do have faith. Timberjack is a capable successor; his cabinet is already moving at a tremendous pace in catching up, and making sure you're taken care of; its great to see such enthusiastic & capable 'young blood' such as Anuj, Sumit & Prabal leading the charge & I have high hopes of them in the coming terms.

And there is so much more potential around. Upcoming eIndians such as Shaz, Lucifer, Rachit, Darren, Shakti, Kacko, Ranadeep, Asmita, Babul, MSL, Fighter, RD1234 and am sure many others who have tremendous potential, and are just diamonds in the rough; and of course the oldies who provide tons of experience to back them up.

eIndia: So its all good, right?

Mav: It will be. As long as eIndia stick to the basic principles.

Support your allies. Never turn your backs on them ever again. Do MPP's that are necessary (heck you might drop eUSA if public sentiment doesn't favor it, though I had my reasons & still stick by them). Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania & China - don't lose them as allies.

IAF communes is doing great. It can do better. Recruit.

Get more people into mentoring, and work on retention - its more important than a baby boom.

Natural Enemy / Training War? I'll leave it to you to decide whats best for eIndia & her neighbours.

eIndia: Meh. You sound as if you're leaving.

Mav: Thats the saddest part dear. I am. As much as I don't like to, its time I took a leave from you. I need to see the world a bit more; have new experiences, meet new folk, shed eblood alongside them.

I have faith you'll be safe and secure in the hands of those I leave behind.

eIndia: Come back soon I hope. Don't forget me.

Mav: Of course dear. Never will I forget. Be back soon.

Mav hangs up the phone, picks up his backpack & heads to the door. He looks back one last time; a slight drizzle is beginning; he turns off the lights & closes the door for how long no one knows.

Man coming out of multiplex: Man, the movie sucked. Who wrote that trash script? Must be some guy high on roofies. Whats with all this drama? Its just a damn game!!

2nd Man: But who understands that, right?

Mav: It is, and it isn't. In any case, take care eIndia. I bid you luck and farewell. Cya around.


Your Mavoexpresidentus,
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Previous Ego-boosters:
The Philosophy of eIndia ~ Respect: A Tribute to eRepublik ~ eRepublik Admin on Twitter: "the article is close to a definition of what eRepublik should represent to the bigger part of the player-base. Respect!" / Joy Bangla / Make Each Day Count / eFreedom - Are You A Free Citizen? / Rules of the Game ~ A Congress Election Manual / Do I sound Prime Ministerial enough? / I AM HERE!!! [Part I] / I am Game! / Lead India! Lead The World! / Be The Fourth Frog / eIndia Needs You Now! / Its A Long Way To The Top If You Wanna Rock n Roll / Let's Dance! Rawwwwr! / The end draws near / Who Wants Some Pizza? / Kick Dio B*** / Keep The Faith / Don't Panic / Salute to China-EDEN / Rise of Dik Grande / Get Informed, Get Inspired / For an Independent eIndia / This is how we roll

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