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CP of Belgium (offical candidature)

17 2,625 jour, 06:45 Published in Belgium Belgium Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello dear citizens of Belgium!

I have a lot of plans that should be implemented, but I offer only the most relevant and useful for Belgium and for the citizens.


- At least two MPP countries with high profile
- … en savoir plus »

CP of Belgium ( not offical candidature )

22 2,617 jour, 13:28 Published in Belgium Belgium Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello dear citizens of Belgium!

I will make your program, even though it is not certain that I will be an official candidate of his party for president of Belgium.

I have a lot of plans that should be implemented, but I offer only the … en savoir plus »

Candidature for PP of ATO - part 2.

6 2,612 jour, 02:15 Published in Belgium Belgium Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Dear party colleagues,

I want to remind you once again to vote January 15 and vote for FilipuBajsic and for a better society!


1st Bringing young active members in the party
2nd Divisions d1 food and weapons every week (with my money

en savoir plus »

Candidature for PP of ATO

46 2,608 jour, 01:40 Published in Belgium Belgium Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Dear Citizens and dear party colleagues!

Announcing my candidacy for president of the party ATO.
Too long has the same leadership in the party and in the long term have not done anything for the party, nor for its members ..

Plans😞/en savoir plus »

Belgium democratic party (BDP)

11 2,557 jour, 02:45 Published in Belgium Belgium Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Dear party members and citizens of Belgium!

Here's my first appearance as president of Belgium Democratic Party (BDP).

As members of the party like the party name has been changed!

Distribution of food and weapons to en savoir plus »