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Official CP candidature - program

7 3,391 jour, 06:13 Published in Belgium Belgium Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Dear Citizens of Belgium,

I appeal to you as a candidate for the presidency of Belgium.

Belgium 2 months tons and tons deep. We have to prevent that we have to choose a new president and government that will represent the en savoir plus »

CP elections

21 3,239 jour, 11:47 Published in Belgium Belgium Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello everyone!

In this issue of the newspaper I will comment candidates for the upcoming presidential election.

First of all the current government led by President Aries Sun with all its members, among whom was me, I have to … en savoir plus »


6 3,230 jour, 12:46 Published in Belgium Belgium Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

After much deliberation, interviews with friends, colleagues, I decided to stay in Belgium and that I will continue to actively engage in politics.

I received a lot of support from friends, congressmen, and the people themselves from the

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I will withdraw from Belgian politics

8 3,223 jour, 07:53 Published in Belgium Belgium Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Dear citizens of Belgium,

I hereby inform you that I will withdraw from Belgian politics!

These are my last days as a member of the Congress of Belgium .. Everything that happened in the past couple of days for me, it was painful … en savoir plus »

Candidature for PP of ATO :)

9 2,785 jour, 09:53 Published in Belgium Belgium Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello, dear citizens of Belgium and dear party members of ATO!

After a long time I write an article .. Again politically: P

I would like to announce to all members of the party ATO that I'm running for president of the party.

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