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The Nuttly News - the place to view the rantings and ramblings of a crazy squirrel with a thirst for power.

What's Going On?

10 1,356 jour, 15:10 Published in Australia Australia Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre


Well it has definitely been mad these past 2 days with RW’s erupting all over eAustralia and further attacks upon our lands.

First off, Tasmania was

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The Anti-Kiwi Society (All In Good Fun)

7 1,354 jour, 21:12 Published in Australia Australia Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Greetings fellow Aussies,

I was bored and decided to whip up this article in a few short minutes just for the heck of it… So let’s get to it.

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Current Events In The World

11 1,354 jour, 12:32 Published in Australia Australia Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Here is what's happening:

North America
Recently Canada has regained all of its

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Costly Mistakes

3 1,352 jour, 11:30 Published in Australia Australia Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Hello eAustralia!

So here is the deal. After I was done working and such, I decided to go see how we were doing in the fight for Canterbury and maybe kill a few Kiwis 😛 when I saw this:

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It’s All About Transparency!

9 1,346 jour, 17:58 Published in Australia Australia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

As most of you know, I am new to the Senate and I have been taking some pointers from some veterans in office. Recently I viewed an article written by Wally Wilson, [url=

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