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The Nuttly News - the place to view the rantings and ramblings of a crazy squirrel with a thirst for power.

My Cabinet.

42 1,440 jour, 14:07 Published in Australia Australia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello again eAustralia,

Before I get to the cabinet lineup, here is my platform that I recently released (Click here to view the article).

I want to create one of the

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My Platform.

32 1,438 jour, 19:01 Published in Australia Australia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

G’day eAustralia,

I am here to submit to the people of eAustralia a declaration of my principles and purposes that I plan to carry out during my term if elected. I hope not to take up too much of your time.



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My Declaration.

47 1,436 jour, 19:40 Published in Australia Australia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Friends, fellow Party Members and Senators, fellow eAustralians,

I have had the opportunity of leading the Australian Independent Party, representing my constituents in the Senate, holding the position of Deputy Speaker, and

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Party President of the Australian Independent Party

22 1,410 jour, 18:08 Published in Australia Australia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Fellow Independent Australians,

Say goodbye to September, and hello to October!

Well, as to not waste any more of your precious lives, here it is!

Who is this guy?

My name is lancer450. I’m a former three time Senator … en savoir plus »

lancer450’s Candidature in Queensland

17 1,404 jour, 19:49 Published in Australia Australia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Dear citizens of Australia,

Recently the eWorld has seen the rebirth of a nation. A nation oppressed for far too long. Australia, along with her allies in EDEN and TERRA, has regained her freedom and fought off the threat to her sovereignty. What

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