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America: Do you trust your peers?

80 907 jour, 10:22 Published in USA USA

Dear America,

The contents of this article will not be very popular. People in this country favor a very peachy view of our situation at every turn, and many people will no doubt be upset when I tell the truth about our nation.en savoir plus »

[US/SA] South Africa, the pleasure is all ours

44 905 jour, 17:23 Published in South Africa South Africa

South Africans, today your country has come to the end of the long road that we call liberation The battle for Limpopo marked a turning point in the affairs of non-European Erepublik war. PHOENIX has been reduced to two of nine titanium … en savoir plus »

A President's Musings

39 904 jour, 18:12 Published in USA USA

Check back at my paper in a few days (or just subscribe) for information on how you can win 200g with no pre-requisite skills or abilities!

So we lost Lion King. That's a tough one. I thought we had a chance to win it, but Serbia … en savoir plus »

The Assault on Lion King

57 903 jour, 00:03 Published in USA USA

To steal a tradition from Max, ~ How about a bit of music while you fight?

America, today we meet our maker. Today, we strike what is, as Jewitt coined it, the final pillar.

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An update from the Oval

24 900 jour, 18:55 Published in USA USA

It's been a busy few days here in the Oval Office. Sadly, we haven't been able to make a single proposal regarding any issue -- New Citizen Message, MPP, War, nada. That said, we're not sitting around doing nothing. Here's a few updates:


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