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From the Oval: Karnataka to stay American

65 927 jour, 12:40 Published in USA USA

A final update for the Richardson Administration, live from the Oval Office

Today, I announce the final project of my administration. After en savoir plus »

The President's Presidential Endorsement

29 924 jour, 18:43 Published in USA USA

Chocolate McSkittles' platform, vote it up

About a month ago, in the middle of a Vice Presidential mixup where I had to drop my announced Vice President and … en savoir plus »

[US/IN] An update on Karnataka

78 922 jour, 13:25 Published in India India

This is a joint address to both the Indian population, published in their media, and to my American subscribers.

Good evening, my friends:

Let me introduce myself. My name is Harrison Richardson, and since May 5th I have happily served … en savoir plus »

An update from the Oval (II) [EDIT]

49 919 jour, 14:08 Published in USA USA

I have a bevy of things to talk about in this article, so let's get right to it.

1) Once again, I would like to thank Max McFarland 2 for his continued patriotism in recent days. While Max and I have clearly disagreed about the path the USA

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56 916 jour, 18:49 Published in USA USA

How about a nice battle to start your day?

Moments ago, the final assault on Lion King began. Ladies and Gentlemen, give this battle everything you have. Serbia is going to. They en savoir plus »