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Let's Hear it for...Patriotism?

16 505 jour, 09:45 Published in USA USA

Patriotism: Or the lack therof, is very disappointing.

You know, the sad thing is I wasn't too surprised when somebody screwed us over again. It wasn't a big of a shock as when Franco did it. I don't think anybody was from the reaction in

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AAP Party President Candidate

6 504 jour, 08:53 Published in USA USA

I, Aren Perry, am running for the Party President of the America’s Advancement Party!

So, why should you vote for me over the other candidates?


As many people can vouch, I am an active member of the community and am

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Women, and what to do with them

12 500 jour, 19:33 Published in USA USA

Specifically, vote them into office!!

Why you say? let me informally run over the reasons.

Overall Reason #1

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Americans for Aren Perry? No! Figure out what it's about! Advancing America!!

9 500 jour, 15:33 Published in USA USA

Hello fellow Citizens of the USA!

I would like to invite you to join America’s Advancement Party, the AAP! So why would you want to join the AAP?

We are unique in that our political views are not truly left or right but accept different

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Controversial Dead Locked Legislature!

5 496 jour, 16:34 Published in USA USA

Background of the Proposal

In the congressional caucus, for a long time, congress has been debating how to more efficiently fund and buy Q5 hospitals. The more liberal wanted a subsidized … en savoir plus »