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Help me write the article, "When I began..."

10 532 jour, 15:33 Published in USA USA

The idea of this article is simple, it's time to get all teary eyed and reminisce about our first days in erepublik and what has changed.

I joined because of my real life friend Geno Garon who I met at college.

When I began Benn Dover was

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Why I support Scrabman and an "old" Congressman's Frustration

10 531 jour, 12:12 Published in USA USA

(Yes here is the indelible two topic article)

The AAP recently nominated to support Scrabman in his run for presidency. While many assume that this means I as Party President directly support him, in the AAP not necessarily so since we ues … en savoir plus »

Humor for our Serious Discussions: What if?

22 525 jour, 15:01 Published in USA USA

Ladies and gentleman, the presidential elections are within this coming week. While some parties have made their final choice (and mine hasn’t)… in good humour, I would like to provide a few “what if” scenarios, in alphabetical order, if certain

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Illinois: Let's do it one more time! Aren Perry for a fourpeat!

9 517 jour, 17:13 Published in USA USA

Hi all of you in Illinois!! It's me again, I'm here to run as your congressional incumbent for three months straight hoping that I can secure your vote once again. I've been very busy this past month, finalizing and securing the Public

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CvP, vote for Mattoze5!

8 512 jour, 10:02 Published in USA USA

Hey everybody,

Now, this is a odd article because I'm not in the CvP. In fact, I'm in the AAP.

But I want you to know that I fully support Mattoze5 for CvP PP. Now, it's not that I have anything in particular against Desertfalcon, but it

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