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Aries Congress

3 1,738 jour, 20:00 Published in Ireland Ireland Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Vote for me because I'm neutral and will screw over all of you. Also I don't have time to write an article right now but ill be great in congress because I'll do whats best for Ireland not any selfish faction.


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Oh ffs I'm Leaving Ireland [Aries]

22 1,733 jour, 14:48 Published in Ireland Ireland Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Cry to someone who cares.

Hey look I found a video … en savoir plus »

Review of the Factions of Ireland

23 1,731 jour, 20:20 Published in Ireland Ireland Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

ICA - A bunch of power hungry, greedy, dictators who are looking to take advantage of Ireland for personal benefit. Any action they take is to pursue their own goals at the expense of Ireland and her people. They used to be split from the … en savoir plus »

Shaky Peace With UK [Irish fight for UK?!?!]

9 1,729 jour, 12:23 Published in Ireland Ireland Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Two days ago I spent a brief time in our lovely capital of Dublin which is currently controlled by the UK. While I was there I did my duty as a patriotic Irishmen and I fought for the resistance to drive back the Brits or at the very least make them

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Irish Army Infiltrated

19 1,728 jour, 08:14 Published in Ireland Ireland Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

I had posted this article last night but apparently some of the content was a little bit too extreme for a few of my readers so in order to remedy the situation i will black out all of that extreme content while players will still be able to get the

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