Fond on/off

Supply (1803)

6 1,803 jour, 10:26 Published in Ireland Ireland Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

@10:25 #FAA is giving out supplies to divisions 3 and 4. Must move to Argentina and fight for Argentina against Peru.

@17:05 #mro is giving out supplies to division 2-4. Must move to Bulgaria and fight for Romania.

Updates as we go.

~ Aries

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Supply (1802)

3 1,802 jour, 12:11 Published in Ireland Ireland Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

@12:07 #iran.supp is giving out supplies to divisions 1-3. Must move to Turkey and fight for Iran.

- #REVANCHA is currently paused and I am not sure what divisions it is for. Honestly it is all in Spanish but it looks like fight for Colombia

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Supply (1801)

3 1,801 jour, 04:29 Published in Ireland Ireland Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

@4:26 #eua is giving out supplies to divisions 2 through 4. Must move to Hungary and fight for Ukraine.

- #brostralia is giving out supplies to I believe all divisions. Currently paused but check for updates. Must move to Chile and fight for

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Supplies (1800)

5 1,800 jour, 10:21 Published in Ireland Ireland Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

@10:19 #iran.supp is giving supplies to all divisions. Must move to Iran and fight against UAE.

@14:50 d3d4 is giving supplies to divisions 3 and 4. Must more to Spain and fight for Colombia.

Updates throughout the day

~ Aries

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IUP: Not a Pushover Party

23 1,799 jour, 18:08 Published in Ireland Ireland Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Since the IUP has come back into power, due to a large number of us newer players flocking to it, we have managed to create an independent environment free from the corruption of … en savoir plus »