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It is and it is not a newspaper

The king is alive, all hail the king!

14 1,044 jour, 11:33 Published in Denmark Denmark

Dear citizens of the Kingdom of Denmark
It is my utmost pleasure to announce myself as the new King of Denmark. The Kingdom of Denmark, or Denmark for short, is one of the … en savoir plus »

There's parasites in the congress...

1 1,039 jour, 00:07 Published in Denmark Denmark


Alright, so tomorrow we'll have the Congressional Election.. Now, one might ask himself - wtf is congressional election?

One week … en savoir plus »

Greed, for lack of a better word....

7 1,031 jour, 06:00 Published in Denmark Denmark

Alright people - we did it!
We are now in control with 2 out of 3 parties in eDenmark!

As Gordon Gekkoen savoir plus »

Party President Election

18 1,030 jour, 00:44 Published in Denmark Denmark

Good morning, eDenmark!

Today is Party President Election! It is important for us to gain control of the parties, so that we can choose which people can put up candidatures for

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eDanish Prez

20 1,020 jour, 02:36 Published in Denmark Denmark

ALRIGHT, I'm here again..

Now, as some of you may have read, I have been given AIDS by HrBjørn, so I don't have much time left unless someone invents a cure (2 gold for those who do!!!)
(to those who didn't knew: [url=

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