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It is and it is not a newspaper

Schyman shows the way.. Or not..

9 1,333 jour, 16:54 Published in Sweden Sweden Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

This article is freely translated from the following article:

Plato is buying up goods, no matter the VAT/importtax. The only … en savoir plus »

Sales, v2.0!

21 1,227 jour, 08:15 Published in Sweden Sweden

Dear citizens of Homonavia.. This is a scenario you've encountered before!

Earlier this month, I had a "upgrade-my-company-sale" - it was a great succes, and +1200 … en savoir plus »

Congress Election, and how you can support Norsefire

4 1,221 jour, 01:51 Published in Sweden Sweden

Dear citizens of Homonavia.. Today it's election-day!

Follow the link above, vote for Norsefire and see how the sun … en savoir plus »


16 1,206 jour, 01:04 Published in Sweden Sweden

Dear citizens of Homonavia.. Today is your lucky day!

Not only because you are living in this wonderful union, Homonavia, but also because you now have the chance to … en savoir plus »

Joint manifesto for Norsefire

22 1,190 jour, 07:32 Published in Sweden Sweden

Dear citizens of Homonavia.. Soon, it's the 25th of February, a day that can change a lot for all of Homonavia. The day of the congress election, where you - the people of … en savoir plus »