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Dear Netherlands

12 838 jour, 14:06 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Today the eUNL has voted to dissolve the Union between Belgium and Netherlands, and formally recognize the independence of Belgium.

In recent days there was

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Dear Netherlands

23 838 jour, 14:04 Published in Belgium Belgium

Today the eUNL has voted to dissolve the Union between Belgium and Netherlands, and formally recognize the independence of Belgium.

In recent days there was

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Vote Hugo Lilly for Flanders

8 826 jour, 19:20 Published in Belgium Belgium

Dear citizens of eBelgium,

I have served for two terms as Congressman for Flanders, and would humbly like to ask that you vote for me for a third term. Although I have been somewhat inactive in the last two weeks (I went on vacation - it was

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Belgian Independence

15 814 jour, 08:07 Published in Belgium Belgium

Why we need to remain neutral

Belgium is in a strategically important location, from which EDEN could launch attacks and keep a country initiative locked, or from which we could launch blocking attacks in defense of Phoenix countries. … en savoir plus »

Congress, Wake Up [Belgium]

7 804 jour, 17:18 Published in Belgium Belgium

A few days ago, Olv007 donated some of his personal funds from his org, Cyber Invest, so that we can build a Q5 Hospital in Brussels. (The rules of the game require that we have enough treasury funds for the New Citizen Fee of the

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