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Run D9, run!!!

13 2,415 jour, 23:50 Published in Belgium Belgium Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

As promised a manifesto like article.

No promises of greatness this term, there's no cash or income to implement any program of support which might be more then some comfort.
No promises of a stable, peacefull community. The factions that were

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To CP or not to CP?

8 2,412 jour, 01:49 Published in Belgium Belgium Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Out of the blue, it seems I could be a viable candidate for some inmy party to be the next CP. I must say I'm flattered, I'm not the most politically active person in eBe.

I can not say a lot of things which would support my run. The only thing I

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The Second Incentive

8 2,406 jour, 10:22 Published in Belgium Belgium Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Plato has in his infinite wisdom designed a new MU tournament.

In short : the more kills and the more points(points awarded by the place of the MU in the leaderboard in the different divisions) the more cash a MU will receive.

The idea grew,

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Be smart : upcoming tournament

5 2,405 jour, 13:24 Published in Belgium Belgium Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

Greetings all eBe'ers,

you might or might not have heard about the upcoming tournament. One thing is for sure, don't let Plato get the better of you.
Do the math and leave emotions out of your decision.

Get yourselves organized in a single MU,

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Important bump

13 2,404 jour, 00:06 Published in Belgium Belgium Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Due to the media mechanics, the article for claiming your prize money is no longer very visible.

Help your fellow eBe'ers by voting this article up, so that people are aware of what's going on. This article contains the links to the hopefully

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