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Kill Rush

40 2,468 jour, 00:16 Published in Belgium Belgium Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Once again, next week a small competition will start. Looking at the stats, it'll be fair to say no eBe regiments will ever fall into any prices 🙂

So what's left for eBe soldiers/MU ?

- big hitters (with lots of kills) could ask for a

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8 2,450 jour, 00:48 Published in Belgium Belgium Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

Take up a job, and I'll fire you right after working, so you can get another well paid job the next day 🙂

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Dotting the i's

7 2,421 jour, 16:27 Published in Belgium Belgium Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

I had to write this short article to shed some lights on some untruths out there.

- GW Junior put me as the official candidate for PPP
- in the meanwhile debate was going on about the support of Thorin (in LF)
- ATO supported my candidacy
- GW

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My government

12 2,420 jour, 16:32 Published in Belgium Belgium Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

A big thanks to all my voters, and a big cheer for my opponent for the election battle.

Down to business I would say.

Representing my government :

CP : Director9

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Doing things differently, D9 for CP

1 2,418 jour, 15:13 Published in Belgium Belgium Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Representing my 'cabinet' :

People did a good job last time, so I'll be keeping all who were in the last government in mine, if they wish to do so.

The first week, I'll be getting to know the various departments and what they do, what they

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