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Fair and biased news coverage since February 2011! Please forgive us if a Fusion Accident occurs.

Today's Sunrise

6 625 jour, 05:07 Published in Japan Japan

As I look out today at the sunrise, I am filled only with hope for my nation and people.

I have heard the whispers of mistrust, of suspicion of refugees and immigrants, the doubting of our new President, the uncertainties and insecurities and

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A parable of houses

14 612 jour, 07:14 Published in Japan Japan

A few citizens, perhaps less hotheaded than most, have asked in the media and forums why many of their fellows are unwilling to simply forgive and forget certain questionable events of the past few weeks. A simple story may illustrate.

You own a

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Earning the public trust

3 612 jour, 00:01 Published in Japan Japan

I will keep this brief.

I had the honor to be one of two, along with Jack Churchill, elected to represent Kyushu for its last full Congressional term. I did not return to Congress this past month, and took a break from public life. When I

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Reflections on this past Congressional term

26 554 jour, 11:53 Published in Japan Japan

The past term of Congress was my first representing the people of Kyushu. I'm thankful for the opportunity to have actively represented the people of eJapan in Congress. The past term was something of a tumultuous one, as many issues were hotly

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TFC candidates for May

3 552 jour, 06:07 Published in Japan Japan

Apologies for the lateness of this article. As TFC Vice President, I will now post our official list of candidates for the May Congressional elections. Any candidate not on this list is unsanctioned by the TFC leadership.

Chubu: Gabriel

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