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Fair and biased news coverage since February 2011! Please forgive us if a Fusion Accident occurs.

Riding Out the Storm

12 734 jour, 00:07 Published in Japan Japan

In the past few days, a storm has been brewing. It has taken less than a week for PEACE GC, the global alliance which eJapan had helped to found, to almost completely unravel. As a Representative in the Imperial Diet of the people of Japan, I was

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An Open Door, Yet Not Unwatched

21 673 jour, 23:58 Published in Japan Japan

I have given thought recently to the debates in which I often find myself at odds with my fellow members of the National Diet. Although the most contentious debate in my political career was the stir around the lease of Kyushu to Indonesia, I was

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PEACE in Harmony

15 653 jour, 09:50 Published in Japan Japan

Two nights ago, President Minamoto asked me to serve, if he is reelected, as Minister of Foreign Affairs in his administration. This is an honor I had not expected, but if called I will do my utmost. It is my hope that, by forthrightly speaking

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Our nation's constitution

10 651 jour, 12:53 Published in Japan Japan

This morning at 5:30 am, eRep time, our nation adopted a new Constitution.

I was one of several to vote against. Along with others, I was concerned that the draft offered by Minister Mitsurugi was overly autocratic, that it could be exploited

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Once more, I'll do my best!

15 640 jour, 20:16 Published in Japan Japan

Today I signed up to run again for Congress. Since the TFC is no longer in the Top 5, I am running this time with United Lolis of Japan. I really admire the Loli spirit and enthusiasm, and I am glad to be a member even for only a short while.

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