Thank You Feds!!!!

Day 2,004, 15:42 Published in USA USA by Tyler Bubblar

I was all set to get this article written and rolled out last night, but the overtime I have been cranking out the last few weeks caught up with me. While gathering my usual assortment of pictures I passed into a peaceful, proud, and horny sleep. Well rested I am ready to crank out my literary awesomeness. This will be an article of gracious acceptance, and thanks.

Malarkey83, has selflessly assembled, and hosted a Fed Awards program the last 2 months. As a fellow Fed I want to give Malarkey83 a shout out and a thank you, for taking the time to do this. Sometimes it can seem like the Feds are so loaded with helpful, talented, and unselfish individuals, that their many individual acts of kindness and greatness get lost in a collage mosiac of awesome.

During this month's Fed awards I won the Baby Fed of Gold!
It is an honor I happily and gratefully accept. As I stated above, there are so many great Feds who do such good work, it is thrilling, and exciting to have my own small contributions be recognized. In fact this was me the next day when someone stuck a mic in my face to ask my thoughts on the award.

Now that I have composed myself:

I will use my hands in an article of thanks. Before beginning I want to congratulate the other winners and nominees, your august company makes this award that much sweeter. I would like to thank my fellow Feds, for having such a great community, it was and is my inspiration to work hard in my Fed Job, write articles to point out how great they are, and will be my inspiration going forward to serve in new jobs and write new articles. The best part of the Fed community is how open and welcoming it is. Even though many core Feds have been together a long time they have never once made me feel like an outsider.

I also want to shout out Josh Frost,he has long been an ehero of mine. Josh Frost has been a very generous and supportive mentor to me and I want to publicly acknowledge and thank him for that. Thank you JFrost! When JFrost offed himself, I panicked and abandoned an article on eRepublik's lack of redheaded hotties (a topic dear to my heart that I have yet to revisit), and posted an an urgent plea to the eUSA and my fellow Feds to shift course and save my hero. Happily fingerguns was able to utilize the Power of Dio, and rezombify my fallen hero. So lastly thank you to fingerguns and Jude Conners for bringing us the zombie cat!

We just elected BigCdizzle, as the Federalist PP. This will I think be the start of a major shift in the Feds and in the eUSA. In my last article I celebrated the lopsided results of the CP election. I believe that big things are on the horizon. I also believe these changes will be spearheaded by the Federalist Party. Mark my words the second half of 2013 will be dominated by the Feds.

Shifting gears a tad. Let's be honest UNITY blows. It is my personal opinion that UNITY drives many voters and ecitizens right into the AFA and the arms of RGR. We have handed him the mantle of the anti establishment candidate, he can claim to be the only real alternative to what the powers that be offer to the citizenry. We have legitimized the AFA and ceded the moral high ground with the process we are currently using. Everyone says Ajay is weakening and we need to hold on just a bit longer. On the contrary I think abolishing UNITY would be the finishing blow to RGR's last vestiges of being the primary internal threat to our nation.

I was planning on finishing this article, with an official request to Jakov for entry into the Best Friends Club. However this has already been a long article, and something as srs as the Best Friends Club deserves its own article. For now in conclusion as always: