Josh Frost: Suicide is the Only Way Out....

Day 1,988, 12:00 Published in USA USA by Josh Frost
Todays Theme Music: Suicide Solution

Wow.... What can I say? One month back and I have to make a serious announcement here. I’ve been watching things intently within the game and I have come to conclusion that I have to kill myself.

I’m dead serious here... I literally have to kill myself.

I am disappointed in so many people that they are literally killing me with their action and inaction. eRep was never an action packed game, but this is like watching grass grow and I am becoming enveloped in a pall of desperation and sadness. How in the hell do the rest of you tolerate this? Now, I don’t want everyone to feel bad because this is not your fault, but there are a few that I expected much more out of and the utter frigging disappointment they have filled me with has pushed me to the brink.

For the record my blood is on the hands of the following eUSA citizens:

Henry Pfeiffer Arundel: Christ man, I seriously expected you to go nuclear and for you to destroy me. I “betrayed your party” and “stole your girl” and then laughed as she publicly castrated you. What the hell? I thought I taught you better than this. You know things suck when Pfeiffer no longer has any bloodlust left in him.

Vanek26: Elected twice on the promise of a direct war.... and we wait... and we wait... and we wait... and we wait... and we wait... and we wait... yep, still waiting. Legend of Zelda was a great game 27 years ago btw.... 27 years ago!!!!

Artela: I heard amazing things about you. I expected to be dazzled by your Presidential campaign. I’ve gotten one article. Evidently this unity stuff, while protecting the nation, has in fact established an oligarchy that is covered in a fine cloak of laziness. Act like you at least kinda want to be President. You’re a woman, and at this point you’ve learned how to fake it. Try it just once. Make me feel good about myself.... Please???

Ligtreb: Seriously... nobody is that damn nice and I mean nobody. He’s up to something and I am disappointed that I don’t know what.

Jude Connors: He said he was going to give me a brick of marijuana and I can’t even get a contact high from this stingy d*ck. Once again pure disappointment. Even my vices aren’t being fulfilled here.

Mazzy Cat: Not really a cat. Not even close.

Bia Pandora: Not even our resident paranoid can muster a sustained burst. No long term ranting on Unity and Pflufferists. No accusing me of wanting to be President. Get the tin foil hat on!! America needs conspiracy theorists too!!

MM3: Still a great guy but not the same. Max used to make it rain. Gold would literally fall from the man’s a*s as he walked the land. Hookers... Blow... and Battle Hero’s for everybody. Now Max’s as* is so tight, when he farts only dogs can hear it.

Glove: You’re not Max. Get over it.

Ronald Gipper Reagan: A true testament to the sad state of even American villainy. Watching him work is like watching Cobra Commander putter around in a Rascal. Half-a*sed villains are not what America needs right now. In my day we had GLADOS... what a true evil genius. Now we are stuck with his inbred retarded conservative cousin.

Well, that’s about it. What can I say? It’s been a pleasure? Not really. It’s just pretty much been there for a month. Time to do the right thing and off myself. I still haven’t decided how. I think pills are really the way to go. I kind of want to leave a nice corpse:

On the other hand. I could also just strap on some heavy artillery and head to Romania to take care of this eRep “problem” for goo😛

Congratulations... You’ve officially bored me to death!!

Goodbye cruel world.