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To The Glory/National Congress

5 Day 224, 14:39 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Ladies and Gentlemen Who haven’t voted yet in today’s elections, my name is Ivan Hat and I’m here with my son and partner H.W. Hat.

I’m not here to ask for your Presidential vote, I am here to ask for your congressional votes. You see we have had

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False Accusations and Presidents

4 Day 212, 11:47 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Ladies and Gentlemen I have traveled across our country to be with you today. I am here with my son and partner H.W. Hat.

What has happened recently is that I have been accused of being a German spy and accomplice by my former vice presidential,

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Party President

0 Day 202, 21:16 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Greeting fellow members of To The Glory. Your loyal servant Ivan Hat here again with my son and partner H.W. Hat.

Today I would like to talk about the upcoming elections this next day on Erepublik. Once again it's time to elect or reelect a

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Switching Parties

2 Day 199, 02:33 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Hello my fellow countrymen, Ivan Hat and my son and partner H.W hat here once again. To bring you all a slight change in my plans...

Although I love the Social Democratic Party and respect her leaders and our country's president, I feel my

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Hungarian Cease-Fire

5 Day 195, 17:19 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Greetings my friends and countrymen. As well as the peoples of the world. I am Ivan Hat, and I am here to talk to you today with my son and partner H.W. Hat at my side....

It is evident that the war between our two peoples has been fruitless for

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