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Stuff Stuff Stuff Stuff Stuff (some of it might be important)

10 Day 852, 10:39 Published in Thailand Thailand

You want stuff in the media? Well you asked for it.


1. NAP and Contract with the US.

Some of you read the eRep Insider where they said they'll no longer undersign Contracts, since it's nearly impossible to enforce (

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Too Long Have We Abided Their Tyranny.

12 Day 841, 20:14 Published in Thailand Thailand

Now, the time has come to stop it. I ask all eThai citizens to stand with me as we cast of their shackles of oppression, and encourage all congressman to vote yes in the following proposal.

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OH NOOOOOO!!!!! WHA HAPPENED? (ie You should really read this)

30 Day 839, 00:35 Published in Thailand Thailand


The US now holds Southern Thailand and Eastern Thailand.

Simply put, Southern Thailand is a region of significant strategic value in the Indos quest for High Iron in India, or in the eUS' ability to hold the high Iron

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Increasing Community Involvement. Plans.

8 Day 836, 09:42 Published in Thailand Thailand

Well, atm, Seagate and our Indonesians friends are pulling ahead, and our votes are being split. I won't go into all that, there was a whole article dedicated to it.

According to some of our people, we have a congress that can impeach, so we can

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This is How it Was Going to Be

12 Day 835, 00:10 Published in Thailand Thailand

[img]http://[/img] … read more »