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Presidential stuff (I feel dirty)

20 Day 833, 20:01 Published in Thailand Thailand

This announcement of my candidacy is a bit more serious than I had originally intended. (but this is the whole reason I didn't want to run in the first place)

As many of those who know me, it's never been my desire to be a CP. There's too much

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Quick Question

9 Day 829, 16:46 Published in Thailand Thailand

How do we stop multis that can vote w/in 15 MINUTES OF THEIR CREATION?

For teh ladiez

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Help Wanted: Person Into Marketing Prostitutes

25 Day 827, 13:42 Published in Thailand Thailand

Dateline: Bangkok, Phucket, and all other Thai cities and districts with a dirty English Translation.

After many, many, many...many months of being TO'd we find ourselves in the midst of another TO. So we've held a joint session of Congress, to

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New eThailand IRC Room

8 Day 813, 05:05 Published in Thailand Thailand

Many of you know, that eThailand's Chatroom has been without any type of moderation for a couple of months now. Normally it's rather chill and laid back, and there's never much need for it.

Recent events and issues have transpired that prompted

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Where's my Juice Box?

16 Day 809, 00:07 Published in Thailand Thailand

Since I last wrote you gentlemen, many things have happened to me.

First, I became a Field Marshall, it only took A thousand fights, and only half of them were barehanded.

Second, as a testament to my supreme patheticness, I have become the

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