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Garven Dreis For ACP Party President August/September

4 Day 630, 15:28 Published in Australia Australia

Hello All,

For those who do not know me, I'm Garven Dreis, the current Australian Communist Party President and the Minister for Information. This article is aimed at all the ACP Members who have not signed up for the forums, and may not know

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Election Results- Australian Communist Party

6 Day 614, 04:07 Published in Australia Australia

Salutations All!

The ACP has done well this elections, with 5 seats being secured, and two candidates, myself included, narrowly missing out by a single vote. So without further ado, I congratulate;

Eddie Russo

Wylie Times[/read more »

ACP Voting Manifest

1 Day 612, 15:09 Published in Australia Australia

Greetings All!

As promised earlier, below is a list of active ACP candidates that should only be voted for. These candidates are either verifiable or given me their word that they sign on every day, and will be able to fulfill senatorial

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Garven Dreis for QLD & The ACP: What We Stand For

2 Day 608, 22:23 Published in Australia Australia


For those who may not know me, I'm Garven Dreis, the Party President of the Australian Communist Party and first-time senate candidate. I've been playing for a month and a bit, I'm an active player, and I'm a very quick … read more »

TGV- eCroatian Situation, Opinions & More: 01/07/09 Day589

2 Day 589, 20:22 Published in Australia Australia

Welcome to The Grunder Voxcaster, your trusted news source. Todays Headlines-

~PM Elections turn up the Heat
~New Senate, New Faces
~eCroatia Politically Taken Over!

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