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2 Day 677, 21:22 Published in Australia Australia

Attention AAR.

I have been informed that a Resistance War has been launched in Western Australia against the country of eIndonesia.

This resistance war, started by a foreign national, is in clear violation of any agreement made with

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Garven Dreis For South Australia

0 Day 674, 23:28 Published in Australia Australia

Hello Everyone!

Once again, I am asking for you, eAustralia, to re-elect me as Senator for South Australia. I have consistently provided my input in almost all matters in the Senate, and I strongly believe in the core values of my party, the

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TGV: On The Brink - Day 656 06/09/09 EDIT: WAR HAS BEGUN

4 Day 656, 05:13 Published in Australia Australia

Hello all from the Grunder Voxcaster!

It has been way too long since I last wrote an article, but seeing how regular podcasts have stopped, I hope that this will fill the gap in some sense, although noting can be as good as that good ol'

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Garven Dreis For South Australia

1 Day 639, 23:15 Published in Australia Australia


For those who don't know me, I'm Garven Dreis, the current co-Minister for Information and the President of the Australian Communist Party. Today I write to you as a potential candidate for the Senate of August/September.

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eSouth Africa's PTO Woes - The Ajay Bruno Effect

12 Day 638, 02:50 Published in Australia Australia

Hello All,

For those who don't know me, I'm Garven Dreis, your co-Minister for Information and the Party President of the Australian Communist Party. I write here today as neither of those, I write to you as a concerned advocate of

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