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Garven's Impeachment Rant!

23 Day 716, 14:05 Published in Australia Australia


Well, I'll cut to the chase. I have been observing the current impeachment proposal against PaPP senator Paul Hamon, and recently, I have been disgusted at the pace in which the trial is moving. Secondly, I have identified several key

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26 Day 713, 14:44 Published in Australia Australia

Vote this up!

Hello All,

As you can see, there is a Latvian MPP waiting to vote.


Presently, several obvious two-clicker senators (or extremely stupid ones) have voted yes. This is

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Civil War Update: Northern Confederacy Declares War on NSW!

9 Day 699, 04:14 Published in Australia Australia

Hello All!

I write here with great joy! Several hurdles have been overcome today!

With the calming of the Victorian Front, and with Cozlamist and Zannite Forces currently stalled in the fighting, the Holy Leader of the Norther Cozlamic

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And So It Began

4 Day 690, 05:48 Published in Australia Australia

Hello All!

As of Saturday, at 05:42 eRepublik Time, several Queensland Paratrooper Regiments have been dispatched to secure the eVictorian Settlement of Sale, and the adjoining airbase of RAAF Base East Sale.

Commanders have already

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Taxes Hikes! Garven Speaks? INSANITY! [UPDATED]

10 Day 687, 14:17 Published in Australia Australia

I have your attention!


Now, It seems to me, that several people in the community, are very upset about the current set of tax hikes. While it is all very

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