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i am enraged

26 Day 644, 06:57 Published in Denmark Denmark

i know this is hardly the place to vent my anger over MY country in RL's healthcare reforms but i will none the less.

I am deeply concerned over the proposed healthcare reforms. I find it scary that we as a country are going down the track of

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vote for me

8 Day 642, 15:29 Published in Denmark Denmark

top ten reasons to vote for alfred temple:

10: I'm not a communist or socialist or rasist or sexist or...

9: If I'm elected I will listen to all of your opinions and take all options into consideration putting nothing off the table.

8: I'm

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my trip

1 Day 642, 14:20 Published in Denmark Denmark

i have gotten back from my disasterous trip to the US, here are the details,

1- i get to the US, and swept up in my patriotism i move to south carolina ( my home state ) not thinking to move to a place with a Q5 hospital.

2- I fight until all

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an apology

3 Day 631, 16:52 Published in Denmark Denmark

i would like to formally apologize to any one i have hurt due to my religious articles.

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a small denmark

13 Day 630, 05:53 Published in Denmark Denmark

I write this to all you members of congress:


i would ask you to do this because I believe that the nation of Denmark if fine as it is and frankly i like the fact that its small. i in fact realize that

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