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Top Gun/Michael Collins, Ireland First Presidential Campaign

19 Day 496, 09:44 Published in Ireland Ireland

Greetings my fellow citizens of Ireland,

I would like to announce that I will be running for the position of Taoiseach of Ireland for April.
Alongside me is the respected and experienced Michael Collins as Tánaiste.

My Ireland First

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Department of Information- ESA explained for Ireland

16 Day 486, 14:37 Published in Ireland Ireland

This article from the Minister of Information is to inform citizens on what the ESA is,and what it means for eIreland.

The European Social Alliance (ESA) is a proposed alliance of European countries. It is only in the early stages of

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Irish University is taking students/teachers!

5 Day 483, 17:10 Published in Ireland Ireland

Greetings everyone.

The Irish University is taking enrollments for new students and teachers.
I am of course,talking about the University run by the Irish government on the National Forums for all those that don't know.
Classes are taught by

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New Ireland First Forums!

0 Day 483, 16:04 Published in Ireland Ireland

Well we have finally decided to move out of our old forums to a brand new external site.
We hope through this to offer a lot more sources for our members to interact and share ideas.

The link is :


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Vote for Your Local Ireland First Candidate!

0 Day 462, 16:19 Published in Ireland Ireland

Greetings my fellow citizens of Ireland,

As Party President of Ireland First- Eireann Chead,I would like to encourage all of you to vote tomorrow.
Your choices for Congressmen will play an important role in our country over the next month.


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