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Nithraldur - Does he really want it?

12 Day 590, 15:55 Published in Ireland Ireland

Greetings my fellow citizens of Ireland.

As most of you who know me would know,writing long editorial articles aren't something I do much,however,after how the election campaigns have turned out so far,I would like to express my opinion on the

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Naša strana úvod (Our Party's Introduction)

88 Day 566, 10:10 Published in Slovakia Slovakia


Greetings Slovakia's citizens.

Some of you may have noticed the arrival of members of our group from Ireland.
Allow us to introduce ourselves.

We are a group of citizens who hold a belief that communism can work in … read more »

Tip Top Healthcare Launched!

17 Day 558, 09:25 Published in Ireland Ireland

I'm delighted to announce the launch of Tip Top Healthcare,a private service offering advice and solutions to improving your wellness both quickly and effectively.

How it works:

Simply [url=

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Ireland First Nominates Kiemar

0 Day 531, 18:34 Published in Ireland Ireland

Okay well after some bugs,or something,I can't seem to nominate Kiemar normally.
This problem is also happening elsewhere in the world(note one of the top 5 articles in the World)

To make it clear Ireland First is nominating Kiemar

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US War Declaration: Read before Vote*

33 Day 531, 17:52 Published in Ireland Ireland

As per our contract with the United States to start wargames,I will be proposing to declare war on the US shortly.


The gold to finance this war declaration has come from the US reserves.

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