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Sign up to the IDF,New Organisation in Place

19 Day 527, 18:54 Published in Ireland Ireland

Greetings everyone.
Many people have been asking for me to appoint another MoD, after Snake has not been around in the last week, due to RL issues.
Frankly I believe it’s a little too late to appoint another MoD in my term, by the time they are

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Cabinet - April 09

12 Day 506, 13:26 Published in Ireland Ireland

Greetings my fellow citizens of Ireland.

I have received many applications for positions and deciding who to pick has been very difficult.
In the end I have decided the following candidates will be in the cabinet this month.

Department of

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Another Month, Another Cabinet

1 Day 503, 08:28 Published in Ireland Ireland

First off,I would like to thank everyone who voted for me.
I will do my utmost this month to prove me worthy of your confidence.
Of course,as I said in my manifesto,a President alone cannot run a country,so I am looking to fill up my cabinet and

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Top Gun Presidential Manifesto April 2009

10 Day 501, 13:11 Published in Ireland Ireland

Greetings my fellow citizens of Ireland,

For those that don't know by now,I am running for the position of Taoiseach of Ireland for April.
Alongside me is the respected and experienced Michael Collins as Tánaiste.

My Ireland First Colleagues

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Top Gun/Collins Society & Government

18 Day 499, 05:47 Published in Ireland Ireland

The Government

A president alone cannot run a country.
An Dáil Éireann cannot run a country by themselves.
But together,through the creation of ministries and dedicated groups a true working mechanism for running a country fairly and … read more »