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[Cousteau] Greetings Switzerland

15 Day 1,501, 04:43 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

With profound gratitude and great humility I would like to announce that my Swiss citizenship request was accepted. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself, and to share with you my points of view about the New World. 🙂
My … read more »

[Cousteau] The Return

24 Day 1,353, 10:05 Published in Bolivia Bolivia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

"Greetings, fellow citizens of Bolivia.
I would like to announce that I am coming back to eBolivia. 🙂
Some of you may remember me, and some of you not, so that`s why I`ve decided to write a “comeback” article. My name is Jacques read more »

Egy levél a leendÅ‘ elnöknek

9 Day 1,289, 05:24 Published in Hungary Hungary Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Gondolkoztam, hogy irjam-e meg eme cikket, avagy sem, de mivel, hogy most van egy kis idõm úgy döntöttem mégis megírom, hisz legalább a lelkiismeretem tiszta lessz ezáltal, s kitudja…lehet, hogy lessz valaki aki pont emiatt fogja meggondolni magát.

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Az Ír légiós

16 Day 1,273, 08:45 Published in Hungary Hungary Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Sziasztok. Végre elérkezettnek láttam, az idõt, hogy erepes karrierem során elõször Magyarôrszágra látogassak, s beadjam az állampolgársági kérvényemet is (amit azóta el is fogadtak). Ahogy már több embernek is megígértem, eme jeles nap alkalmából

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[CP] The war between Ireland and the UK

31 Day 1,267, 13:47 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Greetings, fellow citizens of Ireland.
You probably have seen this result before too, but our Natural Enemy proposal against the eUnited Kingdom had passed. We tried our best to vote this Natural Enemy proposal down. We didnt want to … read more »