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[Almost] Presidential Announcement [Day 890]

21 Day 980, 13:30 Published in Ireland Ireland

Hello all,

In around 12 hours time, IBhoy will be impeached, and I will take on all roles as the President, alot has happened in the last 36 hours, and well waiting another 12hours to put this out, just doesnt seem fair, thus an almost

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Nice Work If You Can Get It!

10 Day 977, 18:09 Published in Ireland Ireland

Since v2 I login each day to see loads of shouts commenting on lack of jobs in the area you decided to move your skills into.

Now due to lack of information by previous governments, and well not a huge amount of guidance now, some people are

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V2 Changes - Economics And Stuff

15 Day 960, 13:25 Published in Ireland Ireland

So by now, you should all of realised, my avatar in my profile is kinda dirty, and that v2, is kinda odd! So this article is aimed at showing you guys some of the changes, features, and hopefully settle some Irish minds.



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North Dakota - A Waste Of Gold.

34 Day 958, 11:51 Published in Ireland Ireland

A few weeks ago Moo messaged me via the IFP forums, in which he explained the plan to gain a region from the USA, that would provide us with High Grain. In a reply to him, I said that it wouldnt be worth it, if the area contained other resources, eg

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5n4keyes Presidential Manifesto

17 Day 957, 14:04 Published in Ireland Ireland

So... I posted this yesterday, and eRepublik ate my post, evil evil evil eRep *frowns*. So here I go again, typing a shorter version of what I posted yesterday, darn.

Before I start, ensure that you have all migrated your skills by the end of the

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