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Presidential Update - Day 985

15 Day 985, 14:06 Published in Ireland Ireland

New Citizen Message

Some amazing work is being done in the dail, and the new citizen message has developed alot, thanks to an idea between myself and Marcus Suridius. Soon our new citizens will receive a new welcome message, that will … read more »

Presidential Update - Day 982

13 Day 982, 14:01 Published in Ireland Ireland

An intresting 24 hours, one heck of alot of chats with people, and I ran out of Red Bull...


I spoke with Iain Keers earlier, President of the UK, Sadly there is no deal we could ever offer that would make the UK drop the War against

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5n4keyes Presidential Manifesto

18 Day 981, 15:47 Published in Ireland Ireland

I had planned to have this out a few days ago, however, the last few days have kinda been what some would regard as hell. So I sat down, and soon realised, being president now, and not officially elected as such, and then trying to make a manifesto

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Presidential Update - Day 981

17 Day 981, 10:19 Published in Ireland Ireland

Well, interesting times ahead. This morning IBhoy decided to open war on UK soil and hit 3 areas, thus activating all 11 MPPs the UK has. WELP! Though he did do one good thing, and returned almost all of the state ORGs/Companies. Currently read more »

Presidential Announcement/DoD Orders Day 980/981

24 Day 980, 18:51 Published in Ireland Ireland

Well, if there was any doubt in what happened with IBhoy, the doubt is now gone....


These battles should not of been opened, doing so has activated 11 MPPs the UK has.

For the sake of Ireland, do

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