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Korea's Horizons

7 Day 367, 20:49 Published in Japan Japan

So, as you all know, not too long ago, ATLANTIS sent soldiers to help in the liberation of South Korea. And many of you haven't looked past this; you see that it was freed by ATLANTIS and therefore believe that it's going to fold into an ATLANTIS

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Current Situation of South Korea

18 Day 367, 17:37 Published in South Korea South Korea

All right, at the current moment, South Korea is vulnerable. We're weak militarily and money-wise.

So, let's assess the situation:

We have two neighbors: Japan and Pakistan. Both are powerful and could wipe us out if they wanted to. We can't

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Today, we have the first party in South Korea

3 Day 367, 15:08 Published in South Korea South Korea

Greetings, Citizens of South Korea. In order to ensure economic prosperity, I pulled a lot of strings at my old job(Secretary of State of the Czech Republic), and have created the first party in South Korea, so that we may ensure there is a congress

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Good Morning South Korea

2 Day 367, 12:54 Published in South Korea South Korea

Welcome back to the map, guys! After seeing everything that was happening last night, I wasn't too sure if you were going to make it. But, you have, despite the world looking down on you. And, you didn't just free one region; you freed three.

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