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Official Liberal Socialist Worker Party Forum

2 Day 371, 14:10 Published in South Korea South Korea

Hello, citizens of South Korea! Today we have a big annoucement: one that will give you more of a voice in the political process! Today, officially, the South Korean Liberal Socialist Worker Party is opening its own forum up, where we will tell our

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Vote Pokethatisslow under Liberal Socialist Worker Party

5 Day 371, 09:23 Published in South Korea South Korea

As a former Pakistani congressman and a military beast with 9.6 strength, he will be a good addition to our country bringing experience and military strength.

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40% of Japanese Congress Fully Supports Korea Invasion

33 Day 369, 17:48 Published in South Korea South Korea

I've been talking to some people about the horizon of Korea. Recently, I've been talking to a Japanese congressman who contacted me. We discussed the political platform of my party. Anyway, he made some comments about the party being listed as

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Liberal Socialist Worker Party of South Korea

9 Day 369, 14:06 Published in South Korea South Korea

Hello, everyone! Today is a day for the books; we have the first socialist party in South Korea known as the Liberal Socialist Worker Party. This party was formed to ensure the great economic and governmental success of South Korea by using the

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Grand National Party- Why You Should Join

19 Day 368, 10:17 Published in South Korea South Korea
The Grand National Party's platform for a better South Korea is as follows:

We favor free but fair trade. We need to start doing business with other … read more »