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Currency Plan: Creating More Money

5 Day 378, 20:47 Published in South Korea South Korea

All right. Right now, we've got currency. We don't have a lot, but we have some. That being the case, I've come up with an investment plan to create more money.

Basically, if you're a gold owner and you want to make money, you can donate your

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The Money's Been Given Out

8 Day 376, 13:07 Published in South Korea South Korea

All right, so I just got done sending out the KRW to the Korean people. Here's how it was distributed;

Every company that provided jobs was awarded 100 KRW. This is so that they can hire people, give them jobs, and overall keep people productive

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How we're going to solve the currency problem.

6 Day 374, 09:41 Published in South Korea South Korea

All right, as you all know, while trying to get the currency out, we've hit wave after wave of problems. So, I've given some thought to this, and have a solution:

So, here's how it's going to work: When it's all said and done, we're going to have

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Someone vote in a law for me, please

8 Day 373, 12:16 Published in South Korea South Korea

Set the citizen fee to like, 0 KRW. We can't distribute KRW because we have to leave enough in the system for at least 500 new citizens. And, when the fee is at 5, that means 2500 KRW. That means we don't have enough.

So, if you lower to 0, we

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SouthKoreanBank formed.

11 Day 372, 07:40 Published in South Korea South Korea

All right, so I've formed a South Korean Bank to distribute the KRW once we get it outside of the country.
Here's the profile:

Please donate the KRW to this organization.

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