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The views expressed in this paper are those of DerBrad - An Irish Entrepreneur

Can we collaborate - A social experiment

35 Day 1,321, 10:29 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Can we collaborate - A social experiment

I've decided to take on a mini project over the coming weeks to see if we (eIrish) can collaborate and improve … read more »

Happy Mother's Day

3 Day 1,230, 07:36 Published in Ireland Ireland First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Its Mothers Day in Ireland today. Shame on you, if you've forgotten!

Here in eRepublik, I think we should all take a minute or two to remember our eRepublik Mom (eRM), that is if we were born into this world from another Citizen. eRM's don't just

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Unrestrained Business Expansion can cause business failure

11 Day 1,224, 13:13 Published in Ireland Ireland Financial business Financial business

Yes it looks like we are heading towards another market crash. Nothing new there I suppose. There are people writing daily about the problems that our economies face. Yet I haven't seen any articles/discussion about the threat to global
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Storage Fears Alleviated?

18 Day 1,223, 10:16 Published in Ireland Ireland Financial business Financial business

Congrats to the admins who have cooly resolved the impending doom of the ending "infinite storage" for self-employed managers.

My understanding is that

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