Can we collaborate - A social experiment

Day 1,321, 10:29 Published in Ireland Ireland by DerBrad

Can we collaborate - A social experiment

I've decided to take on a mini project over the coming weeks to see if we (eIrish) can collaborate and improve together. A recent article that I noticed in the Irish press inspired this project. It was an excellent article in my opinion and its contents were well researched and helpful to many. It was in the comments that I saw a common problem raise its ugly head once more.

No one person has all the answers, no one person is 100% right all of the time (except for Viktor Kurgan obviously 😛 ). People have differing views/opinions/beliefs; its what makes this game interesting. How we handle feedback (positive or negative) shapes how we improve and learn as individuals. Unfortunately feedback can be a minefield, especially if the feedback is delivered with a personal tone or without any substance/evidence. Also the receiver may take helpful feedback personally, therefore disregarding the feedback as nothing more than a personal attack. Too often, helpful feedback is brushed aside and an opportunity to learn or improve is lost. Too often we are entrenched in our beliefs and unwilling to listen.

We clearly need to improve here, and I've outlined some guidelines on what not to do when giving/receiving feedback:

-Don’t write negative feedback comments with a personal tone - Your message will not be heard.
-Don’t bring your "old baggage" to a new feedback situation
-Don’t take feedback personally - try to see things from the other viewpoint
-Don’t overload your feedback - make it clear and concise
-Don’t become entrenched, or believe that you have all the answers

So lets practice! Over the coming weeks I will pose a question (each week) in the Irish press. The answer wont be a clear black or white statement and we may find some disagreements, but maybe we can all learn something new and improve as a nation.

If you have any suggestions for future questions, or feedback on this project, please feel free to send me a message (Click here to send message) or comment below.

So without further adieu, here is my first question to eIrelan😛

The Presidential elections take place on Tuesday (Day 1,323 of the New World). The 3 candidates (In alphabetical order) are Chance Harrison, loyen and MikeBane.

When wiped follow this easy guide (first written by Seanan) to keeping your glorious nation battling on!
1. Buy Irish Goods
2. Take Irish Jobs
3. Read Irish News
4. Move to allied country, and fight for allies!
5. Join the resistance, join the Irish Army!

Mise le meas,