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Open Wiki page

The official newspaper of the UK Department for Education.

AMD. Was Here

[MoEd]New Player's Guide to the Military Module

11 Day 5,682, 07:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Click on your profile picture to go to your profile page, your stats are included underneath your medal bar, in the read more »

[Dept. for Education] - Aircraft Rank Development Guide

17 Day 5,671, 22:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Battle orders Battle orders


This guide offers advice on optimising aircraft rank development, earning Sky Hero medals, and utilising Epic Air Round Battles to accumulate Prestige Points for better
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[Dept. for Education] Player Questions - Travel (Moving Tickets and CC costs)

4 Day 5,658, 11:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Player Questions - Intro

The Department for Education thought it'd be benefical to start a "Players Questions" series inspired by a question from an eUK legend and stalwart htb, asked for the … read more »

eUK Mentorship Programme and player rewards system

17 Day 5,652, 09:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

The Mentorship Programme and Player Rewards System intends to be an eUK initiative that aims to help new players understand the game mechanics and guide them through the early stages of
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[MoEd] Favourite Fish - Tuesday Edition

1 Day 4,620, 17:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Found this on Google

Mornin' all.

I've been a bit busy doing secret cabal general things, so your editions have been slightly delayed. However I now have the official Org … read more »