The latest from eUSA Presidential Candidates (interviews and campaign speeches)

Day 620, 14:46 Published in USA USA by Astra Kat G
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America, I am not impressed. I realize this is just eRep, but I was hoping that those who wished to be the Supreme Commander in Chief of eUSA would rise above petty infighting, blame-storming, and meaningless rhetoric. Is it just me, finding fault in everything? Finding incompetence, immaturity, or inexperience in those who aren't just plain rude or mean?

Before I begin, I bring you the first 206 results from a widely distributed unofficial poll by Mark Ratzinger of The Community In Action. Surprisingly, there is greater support for HR than initially witnessed... is it blind patriotism or a frightened populace seeking solace in someone familiar (the old "don't change horses mid-stream" mentality)? And don't you just hate it when people ask questions without answering them?

Actually, it appears now that an HR supporter repeatedly answered the poll the same way in an attempt to influence the poll. In total, this individual answered the poll the same exact way 35 times, accounting for roughly 60% of the total votes for HR to date. HR, I think you have a stalker, better beef up security at the White eHouse. Notably, without this individual who unbalanced the poll, it appears both Emerick and Chris Stanwick have greater support than Harrison Richardson among voters.

Claire Littleton - 16 - 8%
Chris Stanwick - 36 - 17%
Harrison Richardson - 58 - 28% (adjusted results: 24 - 11😵
Emerick - 36 - 17%
Joshua Hoss - 18 - 9%
Eugene Harlot - 12 - 6%
Benn Dover - 5 - 2%
Big Brother - 1 - 0%
Other - 24 - 11%

You might assume many of those Other votes are for Presidential nominee Ajay Bruno, but you would be wrong. There are only a couple for Ajay Bruno, both of which came in after this article (and Mark's updated piece on the poll!) were initially published earlier today. The most commonly requested Write-in? Euphonix, a former Portuguese congressman living in California. Someone wants Mickey Mouse to be President, too, though. Hmm... Hey, I'd vote for him!

When compared to the first 98 responses of Mark Ratzinger's official poll (before it was closed due to attacks by spammers), the results are surprisingly the same: the highest support for Emerick, followed very closely by Chris Stanwick, with HR in third place, with the added information of there being little support for Ajay Bruno and much less support for Claire Littleton than in the unofficial poll.

Here's some information on each candidate, along with my impressions of them. Some of these are running against each other in the primaries, but I've included everyone I can think of, just so you can observe the differences for yourself.

Before we begin, I'd like to point out a Multi-candidate interview I came across. Emerick's answers are in the Comments.

Day 621, 13:30 Update: The Libertarian Party calls for Claire Littleton's resignation! Story here. Additionally, Claire was temp-banned just days prior to the election for "insults, public accusation without proof or indirect attacks on a citizen."

1. Claire Littleton - A prominent female figure in eUS politics, she is the Party President of the Libertarian Party. She hasn't always conducted herself the way I'd expect a President to... that language, oh my (check the Comments on that linked article as well). Another note: there have been a surprising number of anti-Claire articles today. I won't repost them here, but among other accusations, there is the one that she backstabbed Emerick by not including him in the Libertarian paper's primary poll she posted. Claire Littleton: "What would I do? What is my position? Kill the crap out of Peace... simple as that." Overall, she is not nearly as eloquent as I would have hoped, but it does look like she's in for a fight and she'll do everything she can think of to accomplish victory for us and I've seen no indications to the contrary. So if that's your kind of thing, she's worth considering.

Day 622, 15:00 Update: Chris Stanwick is out of the race! After withdrawing from Umbrella Research Party, he had planned to still run for President, just without a party, but URP ditched him for Ajay Bruno. Chris Stanwick has chosen to endorse Joshua Hoss. Story here. For even more information, including a quote by Chris himself, scroll down to 9 on my list of candidates.

2. Chris Stanwick 1, 2 - The hero of many eMericans for handing out moving tickets to those disenfranchised of California and such, I initially had great respect for the man as well. However, he leaked the contents of an initial draft of a peace proposal onto public boards (those belonging to his party, whom he himself has said is an international group), supposedly so that eMericans could have a chance to weigh in on something that was going to affect them. I think that this was either a bonehead move or a calculated ploy to discredit the current administration prior to announcing his bid for the Presidency. Why boneheaded? Because it was just an early draft and everyone knows that a finished product can look very different from the initial contents to be used in negotiation; I think that by leaking the document, Chris may've weakened the bargaining position of eUSA, but that remains to be seen. Chris Stanwick had said that he would publish an article explaining how his goals differ from that of Umbrella (which has itself show that it doesn't really care whether all of eUSA is destroyed as long as Umbrella is still benefited), but now that the two have broken off from each other, that likely isn't goign to happen. Contrary to what HR is saying, Chris Stanwick isn't advocating surrender; he's simply not against negotiating peace, same as HR. I'd just like to add that the President should be a true leader, someone who both listens to the public and leads with his/her own ideas on what is best, not someone who listens to the public and does what they think is best. Chris Stanwick, in his speeches, seems to be the latter, not the former, and that's a shame. Chris Stanwick seems to be pro-peace with PEACE, vowing to do whatever it takes to end this war, and wants to keep the public informed, but transparency, while nice in theory, isn't always the wisest thing for a President. He and I disagree on the degree of transparency necessary for a President, but we both agree that HR hasn't been transparent enough.

3. Harrison Richardson - The current President, running for a second term. I can't say I'm a big fan of any politician who uses scantily-clad women in so-called "tradition" pictures to draw attention to himself, but putting that aside... what I don't get about this guy is that, according to Chris Stanwick and himself, he (or his administration) asked Chris to write up that peace proposal draft. And now he's turning around and saying that Chris is the one who will hand over America if elected, whereas he himself will continue to fight for us? I realize he didn't have a chance to agree, disagree, or modify the contents of the proposed peace treaty, but America shouldn't be rallying behind him, saying he'll never surrender. He's already considered peace negotiations with PEACE, although PEACE's demands were eventually rejected. I for one am not in favor of continuing with our current President; I think there need to be a change in leadership... but who's up for the task?

4. Emerick 1, 2 - Multi-term Congressman. Link #1 is an article by #1 "Emerick the Great" Fangirl Kara Beth (and a two-month old article of hers that she linked to); Link #2 in the Emerick list is Emerick's official announcement to run for eUS President. The main thing he has going for him so far is that he's one of the oldest out there, having been around to witness quite a bit of history, and that he pledges to not forget our allies in any possible peace treaty with PEACE. Emerick sai😛 "I can't help but think that Peace would focus on destroying them if we signed a peace treaty. Considering that, signing a peace treaty that doesn't include a better deal for Canada and peace with our allies would be irresponsible." (my emphasis). Another thing I'd like to mention is that, based on what I've seen from chatlogs, I am not a fan of Emerick's V.P. candidate PigInZen; here's an interview posted today with him to help you decide what you will about him. Emerick himself appears to be neither for nor against peace with PEACE, but will go with whichever option has the best possible outcome for eMerica. Right, then... if you ask me, they missed out on a great campaign slogan: "Emerick for Emerica!" Heh. Anyway, you can check out Claire Littleton's month-old endorsement of Emerick for President for more information on this candidate.

Day 622, 15:00 Update: Chris Stanwick endorses Joshua Hoss! Story here.

5. Joshua Hoss 1, 2 - United Independents Party President and retired Airborne General. Link #1 in the Hoss list is Joshua Hoss' official announcement to run for eUS President; Link #2 is a War Policy Interview with Joshua Hoss. Say what you will about the man, Emerick, but he sure does know how to write up a plan and talk about wartime policy. One additional plus for Hoss is that, like Emerick, he believes it's important not to forget our allies. Here's what Joshua Hoss said regarding the issue of proposed peace with PEACE: "Peace with PEACE is a last resort option, we need to continue to fight. What is going on with this supposed 'peace treaty' is not acceptable. PEACE has shown a great understanding of this game, it can be assured that they will work any treaty/contract to their favor. If we did sign a treaty with them they would simply destroy our allies and then turn on us after the treaty expires. Having our current administration even think about signing any treaty that doesn't benefit us is pathetic." So that's a "no," then.

Day 622, 14:00 Update: Ajay Bruno is now endorsed by Umbrella Research Party! Story here.

6. Ajay Bruno 1, 2 - Bet you were wondering if I'd ever get around to this guy. Like many other candidates, he has been publicly criticizing the administration, which is never classy, in my opinion. Run on your own ideas, not on tearing someone else down. However, a big plus regarding this guy is that he's active in posting what he thinks, much more active than most of the candidates. If you check out his newspaper, you'll see much of what he has to say. I don't like a lot of what he has to say, as much of it is high rhetoric, low filling, but I'm glad he's telling us what he thinks, all the same. Mark Ratzinger published an interview with Ajay Bruno in his The Community In Action newspaper, it's Link #2 in the Ajay Bruno list. In it, he not only tears down Harrison Richardson, but Chris Stanwick as well. If you read the interview, you'll see every worst aspect of eMerica brought to life and, in my opinion, a grim future for our nation if Ajay Bruno is elected. I kid you not, but don't take my word for it, read the interview and decide for yourself. Ajay Bruno's running mate doesn't seem very bright to me, no offense, but with a man like Ajay Bruno at the helm, you can bet Bruno will be making most of the decisions, not maxpayne50. Here's one last gem from the Conservative Victory Party Constitution & Party Platform, which is said to "represent the ideals and official viewpoints" of the Ajay Bruno Presidential campaign: "We reject any act of appeasement towards our enemies and support the extinction of PEACE GC as an Alliance from the face of the earth." (my emphasis). It's hard to say whether URP's endorsement hurts or helps Ajay Bruno, considering many of the more fervent eMericans contend that it is nothing more than a PEACE organization (I don't believe this to be true at all, though Umbrella Corp. is an international group, I'm just telling you what some of the everyday, average voters believe). True patriot or warmonger, it's clear from his rhetoric that Ajay Bruno will never accept peace with PEACE.

Day 622, 15:30 Update: rastamen's name no longer appears on the official list of candidates. I have waited so long to report this because I expected it to pop back eventually, but it has yet to do so. rastamen still appears on the official UGP page as a candidate for eUS President.

7. rastamen - Party President of USA Green Party. The best thing this candidate has going for him, in my mind, is that he has enough class not to badmouth the President in public, which is something all politicians (including many of the other candidates) should learn. Note that I make a distinction between criticizing your President in an intelligent manner and outright badmouthing him without backing it up with reasons. And actually, I'd prefer to leave the criticism for everyone else and keep our candidates focused on what they plan to do, not what they think the current guy didn't do well. You could say the peace-lover in me likes rastamen, too. Unfortunately, I can't support my party's candidate as strongly as I would like to. He told me, "I have no intention of saying my plans before the elections! Sorry but above all I am honest and would like to win the elections by the confidence that people give me and not from what I promise." I'm sorry, rastamen, but people need to know the President of the eUnited States isn't just winging it; how do you expect them to be confident in you without explaining what you think is best for the country and how you're going to go about achieving that? He is pro-peace with PEACE, willing to participate in peace talks, but he's quick to add that if they can't come to a solution he feels is good for America, he's not afraid to fight for us, as well.

Day 621, 18:30 Update: Carl Bishop's name no longer appears on the official list of candidates. America's Advancement Party has chosen to endorse Harrison Richardson.

8. Carl Bishop - Actually, turns out that he's NOT running for President and putting his name there was just a test. Carl Bishop wrote to me: "Very sorry for the confusion, I bet you can imagine how surprised I was when I saw that I was running. It will have to stay like that until at least the 3rd when the primary closes. We are going to back one of the current candidates. We just haven't decided yet. I did have some political aspirations at one point but due to time constraints I feel I wouldn't be able to devote the needed time to help run this great eCountry." Here are the results of the primary poll as to whom AAP wants to endorse. Thanks to Tormod, AAP member, for the initial correction.

Day 622, 13:30 Update: Chris Maliwacki's name no longer appears on the official list of candidates. Umbrella Research Party has chosen to endorse Ajay Bruno.

Day 623, 11:00 Update: On the official candidate page, it looks like Ajay Bruno lost URP's endorsement, but there's no news yet on why.

9. Chris Maliwacki - The Umbrella Research Party President. Chris Stanwick had originally planned to withdraw after the elections, but instead he's chosen to do so now. Chris Stanwick wrote to me: "The reason I joined the URP to begin with was because I thought that you had to be a member of the party to get its endorsement. I found out that is not the case and therefore left the party, as I intended to do after the election. I have no intentions of being a member of any party while president, so as not to favor any one over the others. The country president is the president of all the people, not just those that are members of a particular party." After Chris Stanwick's withdrawal from URP, it may look like Chris Maliwacki replaced Chris Stanwick as URP's candidate of choice, but this is just a mirage, much like Carl Bishop was. Chris Maliwacki is not running for eUSA President. According to Chris Stanwick, things were in the works to get Chris Stanwick back in place as URP's officially endorsed Presidential candidate, but then there was an announcement that URP has endorsed Ajay Bruno instead. In yet another strange turn of events, on Day 623 of the New World, one day before the election, Ajay Bruno's URP endorsement mysteriously disappeared.

10. Kyle321n - Multi-term Congressman. I've got no opinion on this one; showed up kind of late so he's at the bottom of the list. He's on the Nationalist Party's page, but his announcement says he's running just "for the lulz," as they say. Feel free to check the link and see for yourself, though. It is funny. 🙂 When asked to better describe himself and his positions, he sai😛 "I'm on a boat, and it's going fast, and I got a nautical themed Pashmina afghan. I'm the king of the world, on a boat like Leo. If you're on the shore then you're sure not me-oh." As you can tell from that quote on a boat, Kyle is king of the world, going fast, and a connoisseur of nautical fashion.

The Breakdown

In light of recent events, peace with PEACE? (As far as I can tell from articles and comments.)
1. Claire Littleton - NO - Out of the Race!
2. Chris Stanwick - YES - Out of the Race!
3. Harrison Richardson - NO (he and his administration were looking into it, but PEACE's demands were ultimately rejected).
4. Emerick - Neither for nor against it, he will do whichever is best for eUSA and its allies at the time.
5. Joshua Hoss - NO
6. Ajay Bruno - NO
7. rastamen - YES
10. Kyle321n - FAILBOAT

And that's all I've got for you so far. I'll update this if I get more information in the days to come. Who would I vote for? Benn Dover (so long as he doesn't lead us in another Operation "French Toast"!). I'm pretty sure he's eUSA's equivalent of George Washington. But he's not running, so we'll just have to wait and see if any of the candidates appeal to me more than they currently are. I have a nagging suspicion that Emerick's vast experience -- and clear pledge not to forget our allies -- in eRep will win me over.

Vote for the one you think is best, America.
~Katherine "Astra" Gallagher