Conservative Victory Party Constitution & Party Platform

Day 621, 16:38 Published in USA South Africa by Ajay Bruno

These documents have been voted upon and ratified by the 1st Conservative Victory Party Convention. They represent the ideals and official viewpoints of the party and of the Ajay Bruno-Maxpayne50 Presidential campaign. Thanks to all who were involved in making this possible. While I have made some edits, special thanks to Stiles and John Winishski for their work on the Constitution and to Philip Francis Exavier Esquire for his work on the Platform.

The Conservative Victory Party stands for equality of opportunity, and the minimalist approach to government through simplicity and organization.
i. Representative and Direct Democracy are the only viable governmental structures in the eUSA.
ii. The government should not serve special interests, it should be as small as possible and exist only to serve the whole of the eAmerican populace.
iii. The basic invariable rights of man are freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of thought, and the right to a fair trial.
iv. Cruel or unusual punishment, in any way, shape, or form, is to be prohibited.

The Conservative Victory Party Code Of Conduct:
i. Respect of other parties' beliefs as well as different citizens' beliefs is required by the Conservative Victory Party.
ii. Abusive language is not to be used to attack other national citizens, or members of the party.

Party Leadership:
i. One party leader will be elected once a month.
ii. Any member of the Conservative Victory Party may run for the position of Party President.
iii. Decisions of the party leader must be announced a minimum of 24 hours after they have announced it in the Conservative Victory Party forum.
a. Any decisions enacted after the 24 hour period are to be considered null and void.
iv. Any party decisions not announced are null and void.
vi. The party shall hold primaries to decide who to vote for in the party leader elections.
a. The party shall start primaries on the 26th of each month.
b. Votes will last a maximum of 48 hours.
c. All votes will be through a secret ballot via the party statistician and a rotating neutral vote monitor.
v. Leadership appointments of the President must be approved by 3 members of the leadership.

The Conservative Victory Party and those who represent it, adopt this platform as the foundation of their policy:

-With respect to domestic military affairs, as a party, the CVP supports military funding for those who take active participation in combat, a solid portion of what taxes we do collect, will be allocated to supplying our military with their necessities as needed.
-With respect to the invasion of other nations, as a party, the CVP is non-imperialist and will strongly and completely fight against any attempts to infringe on any nations sovereignty longer than is necessary to maintain true peace, specifically, no longer than it takes for the citizens of that nation regain sovereignty for themselves.
-The Conservative Victory Party respects the sovereignty of all parties and nations and rejects and will not have formal relations with any group(s) or individual(s) proven to be involved in acts of political takeover.
-The Conservative Victory Party fully and unequivocally supports the military and the full and complete funding of its activities. We reject any act of appeasement towards our enemies and support the extinction of PEACE GC as an Alliance from the face of the earth.
-The Conservative Victory Party recognizes Siberia to be apart of Russia and that Indonesia's occupation is illegal.

-With respect to our international diplomacy as a nation, as a party, the CVP denies the right of any eAmerican citizen to capitulate to a foreign power, whether in fact, or by indication.
-With respect to International diplomacy, as a party, the CVP firmly upholds the right of a nation to act as it wills itself to do, and rejects the right of any international committee, or alliance to otherwise dictate a nation’s actions, and will support any movements to dispel such organizations from power.
-With respect to domestic economics, as a party, the CVP endorses keeping taxes low, as a way of encouraging business, fiscal prosperity, and market growth, and as a way to nurture our industries to new proportions. Although acknowledging the need for taxes in the basic economic system represented in this simulation, those taxes should be kept as low as possible.

-With respect to international diplomatic relations, as a party, the CVP strongly encourages any and all relations with such nations that support the universal ideals of freedom, liberty, and democratic government that are now so threatened by hostile alliances.
-With respect to the international affairs of other national entities, as a party, the CVP supports the populace of any nation to, as a majority; choose their own leadership, and their own destinies, without the intrusion of a foreign power. In particular, the CVP demands that the sovreign territory of Nation-States including, but not limited to, eRussia, eAustralia, eNorth Korea, and eSouth Africa, be returned to them, and will fight in any way possible to ensure that such action occurs.