Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death!

Day 620, 11:23 Published in USA South Africa by Ajay Bruno

This peace treaty between Harrison Richardson and PEACE GC is an OUTRAGE. The fact that the other Presidential contenders seem to support this is just as preposterous. There is an old proverb, "It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep." If America is to be defeated, I would much rather die a free man fighting for my country than to surrender and live in a state of vassalage as the slaves of the Evil Empire.

All who support this supposed "treaty" are traitors who have sold out this country. My friends, I am the ONLY candidate who has denounced this treachery and in the words of Winston Churchill, "We will never surrender!" As your President, I will not rest until every last inch of our country is reclaimed. Some may say this is impossible, I say nothing is impossible for our country, and even if we were to fail, I would rather America die as the beacon of hope that it is than be subjugated by those who wish to destroy our shining city on the hill.

Elect me as your President, and I will chase our enemies all the way to Moscow! all the way to Jakarta! all the way to Paris! all the way to Budapest! We will not rest until the scourge of PEACE is wiped from the face of this earth! I feel confident that I speak for the Conservative Victory Party and all Patriot eAmericans when I say that we are ready to fight and America has never and will never be defeated as long as we continue to fight for what is right. Join our party and support our campaign if you wish to save America from paying a tribute to PEACE and surrendering the great states of California and Hawaii to Indonesia.

Stand with me my countrymen! We can save our country! Good can triumph over evil!

God Bless You, God Bless eAmerica

Ajay Bruno
Conservative Victory Party President & Presidential Nominee