The Economist ~ Running for Prime Minister

Day 950, 07:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Spite313
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Dear Friends,

In the last few weeks the UK has been a veritable hotbed of activity. Each of us has seen the Polish onslaught rush across our land. Phoenix attempted to stop them by using a blocking attack from the Netherlands, who were swapped through our country. This would have given us the opportunity to counter-attack with MPPs, driving them from our land. Unfortunately, bugs threw that plan out of the window. In addition, the great changes to our economy and military that V2 (eRepublik Rising) will bring are now within spitting distance. Those of you who have accessed the public beta will have some idea of the challenges that this will present the UK. To those who haven’t- expect an article from me soon outlining the worst of the problems and my suggestions on how we should be aiming to tackle them.

In the middle of all this will be the 5th July Presidential Elections. This represents your opportunity as a country to decide which person shall lead the UK into the abyss of V2. As such, your vote in no small part decides just how well we cope with V2 as a country. When Mr Woldy told me that he was stepping down as Country President this month, I was worried. Woldy is one of our most popular and competent Presidents ever, and is perfectly suited to lead the country through the changes that will be coming. In his absence, I thought long and hard about whether or not I should put my own name forward, after over a year in government and eight months in Phoenix Command. My decision was made in no small part by the fact that the challenges in V2 will be concerned with economics and logistics, my speciality areas. In addition, the UK will need strong leadership through this time, also something I feel capable of providing.

I would therefore like to announce that I will be running for Prime Minister of the UK

This coming term is not just a challenge, but an opportunity: an opportunity to unify all of our talent and apply it to V2; An opportunity to make Britain great. Together, we have some of the most gifted players in the New World. Some of the best economists, the most cunning strategists, most organised domestic ministries, the most active and involved citizens. By bringing all of this together we can and will achieve great things. In the coming days I will be releasing both my manifestos and further plans for how to bring the UK and Phoenix forward. This month will be government on steroids, with a thousand initiatives to cover every eventuality. If elected, I promise we will come out of this month richer, more powerful and more united than ever before. To answer my critics: I won’t be excluding people from government based on politics, I will be including them based on personality. Our strongest players will not just be offered the opportunity to contribute. Instead I will be reminding them of the duty that binds us all to lead, to use our talents for the betterment of the UK.

In the next few days I will be contacting the leaders of our political parties, asking for their backing in the election to come. I come with humility. I have been a TUP member since I was born, in 2008. However in that time I have worked with every party on every level. I have seen all of them achieve great things. From the PCP Communes which do such a great job supporting new players, to the SDP Housing and gifting schemes. From MDU new players hubs, to UKRP mentorship schemes. I hope to present myself not as a candidate of TUP, but as a Unity candidate for a United Kingdom.

Thank you,

Iain Keers

Ps. If you missed my previous articles, here is a selection:
The Economist ~ The Economy is sick...again
The Economist ~ Reclaiming Congress
The Economist ~ Thieves in the night
The Economist ~ Alliance Grassroots
The Economist ~ Society and the State
The Economist ~ Rebuilding what we’ve lost" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" />