The changing dynamics of eUK politics

Day 924, 14:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ePocalypse

There have been some fairly significant changes in the political scene of late. Not least, the dramatic increase in terms of congress representation of left wing parties. TUP have been the leading force in eUK politics for quite some time now and continue to lead in the rankings. Our partnership with PCP has been effective in reducing the influence of right wing parties in congress. Add SDP to the list of left wing parties and you can see just how substantial the support for left wing politics in eUK really is.

This is because we are the parties fighting for the average and low level player. We are the parties who’s policies and actions reflect our views and support the whole population rather than the few. While the elite players from right wing parties are sitting in their ivory towers or running their Q5 companies for massive profits; TUP are giving away free Q3 food and PCP are running communes to provide people with food and housing. It’s TUP governments who set up the British Gifting Hub, Military Companies and the MoHA. I question what the general population could possibly get out of supporting a right wing party? There is no social class in eRepublik; we are all born equal with just our citizen fee to start with. For the nation to progress as a whole, a socialist party that acts for the interest of all is surely a better way to go.

Meanwhile UKRP had a disastrous election and now seem to be clutching at straws by running a candidate for Prime Minister who said that he doesn’t even want the job. Anybody with any sense knows that Mr Woldy would do an excellent job but I can understand that UKRP feel that they need to field a candidate after last months embarrassing attempt to push Craig Rossiter into our nations top job. Dishmcds certainly has the experience and knowledge to lead this country again and if I’m honest, I don’t think he’d let us down in any way. Can we really pass up the opportunity for more Woldy though?!

Spectrum are losing members faster than you can say Roadrunnerspeed. The rebranding from RFA clearly had an effect as members started to leave the party. Since then, however, the election of RRS to the Party Presidents seat almost immediately after his arrival in the party and then, shortly afterwards, the appearance of FDP founder Arthur Wellesley into the party; indicates to many that this party has veered further to the right. There was also the controversy of Spectrum congressman Temujin94 (not to be confused with prominent Canadian TemujinBC) approving the citizenship of a Canadian Congressman with a history of fighting against eUK and our Phoenix allies. This is bad in itself but for Roadrunnerspeed to then announce him as an official congress candidate on his very first day in eUK and to then mobile vote him into our congress on the next day shows a complete disregard for national security. They now have just 4 congressmen. One is American, another Canadian. The aforementioned Temujin94 is another and the respected member of the bunch is Andy Millward.

It now looks inevitable that PCP will overtake Spectrum and become the third largest party in eUK. They seem to have a new lease of life these past couple of months and have steadily been gaining members while other parties are slowly losing them as our population decreases. Quite an achievement.

SDP seem to be remaining fairly constant in terms of membership. The new hospital rules may have helped them here as they have a large proportion of low level players. Any inactive players will take longer to die than they used to. Only time will tell on that front though and if they continue to recruit, who knows what will happen to their membership in the coming weeks.

Perhaps the best news of the week is that the far right, totalitarian British Patriots party is no more. Billy Bright has been permanently banned and the nation rejoices at the fact that we no longer have to read his obnoxious and prejudiced articles. It seems that Mr Woldys article caught the eye of a global mod and led to further action. Johnobrow succeeded in possibly the easiest takeover ever and has now renamed the party as the Mac Panther Party.

If you’re between levels 5 & 16, are an eUK citizen and work in a Q1 company then you qualify for TUPs free Q3 food scheme. Simply send a message requesting your free food to this org and as long as you meet the simple criteria outlined above, we’ll send some food over to you. It doesn’t matter which party you belong to (although I have been known to ignore requests from British Patriots members), this scheme is for anyone who qualifies and needs a little help.

If you’ve not decided which political party is best for you, please consider joining The Unity Party. You can read our wiki page and our constitution for further information on the party.

If you need to do some more research, then probably the best way to find out about each party and compare them is to visit the eUK Political Parties Wiki Page.">" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" />

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Dan Moir
TUP Party President