Observer Interview with Glados

Day 955, 02:40 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter
Hello again,
I'm back this time with an interview with Glados, who is the candidate for the UKRP in the upcoming election. I've disagreed with him in the past and we've never really seen eye to eye, however I thought it would be interesting for the reader to get to know both the candidates in a little more detail. Enjoy!

Please can you tell the readers a bit about your experience in eRepublik up until now?

Well, it's been quite the adventure for me, From a humble birth in ecalifornia, to my true eawakening in the sands of pakistan, to japan, many other PEACE countries, and finally onto my home, the United Kingdom. From Secretary General of the largest and most successful alliance ever (PEACE), to my job as MoFA of the UK and my eventual two terms as prime minister, it's been quite the journey. I could write you a book on my exploits but I'd rather not.~

Why did you decide to move away from the USA, the country where you are from in real life?

Well, it was boring. I was a noob and didn't understand the game, and found my way to pakistan, where I really started immersing myself in the game.

And what eventually brought you the the UK?

When I came to the UK, it was in a period of transition. I had just had a major falling out with the high command at PEACE HQ, and I had gotten to be very good friends with kumnaa, Hassan and GF. and it just sort of went from there.

A young Glados walking the sands of Pakistan

So let's talk about your past exploits as President. What improvements do you feel that you brought to the UK in your last two terms that readers could relate to?

I paved the way for the war with america by attacking norway in valhalla 1. I brought our Q5 hospital company into action, I oversaw extensive military reform in my second term, I brought some excitement to the country with Valhalla 2, and I kept up and built upon a nice surplus that karacticus left me 🙂

Moving forward to the month ahead then, why did you decide to run for the presidency this month?

I believe that in this time, the country needs steady, proven leadership. I have some great new ideas for a smooth and steady transition into V2, and I wanted to share my vision for the future with the country.

How will you provide strong leadership, and will you be active enough to fulfil the role?

I will be fully active, as I have no schooling throughout the month of july, and I will provide strong leadership by making the tough decisions to the difficult questions the V2 transition will bring.

Those pesky Norse gods preparing for Rising

Glancing quickly over your domestic and economic manifesto, do you believe you have provided enough strong economic policies to fully ensure the transition over to Rising?

I believe I have. to be quite honest, nobody knows how the actual economy system is going to work, because the beta version of the module gives everyone ridiculous amounts of gold. I have full confidence in my ministry of economics, whose sole job it will be to secure the UK's financial security and prowess in the world. I provide no fancy graphs in my economic manifesto because, simply, any graphs are a wild estimation of what the V2 economic module will entail.

Do you feel slightly disadvantaged by the fact that your opponent is obviously well versed in economics, or do you believe that you both have your own skills and talents in different areas?

I believe that the V2 transition requires a vast range of knowledge in different areas, and I am quite confident that my all around knowledge of game mechanics, the new war module, and my year and a half of in game experience make me the best choice for the job. If I did not think I was the best man for the job, I would not be running for the office.

Would you consider bringing your rival into your government if you were elected? Or would that simply create too much tension to prove workable?

Iain Keers is on my short list, no doubt. I have in the past been non partisan when selecting members of cabinet, and I believe that A cabinet of rivals can be a good thing. If I just picked yes men, I wouldn't be any good. I don't mind people telling me I'm wrong when I am. If not in an official position, mister Keers would surely be in an economic advisory position, most likely with full cabinet access

Very well glados, thank you for your time and the very best of luck in the election!

Thank you for your time, indiekid 🙂

So there we have it. Glados might not write as much as his opponent, but he makes up for the substance with sharp concise points, if slightly lacking in intricate detail. You can read my interview with Iain Keers here and I hope that you read both manifestos carefully before making your choice on election day.

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IndieKid" />" />" />" />" />" />" />" />