Know Your Military - Part Two

Day 945, 15:04 Published in USA USA by Angelini

The National Guard has had a long and sometimes bumpy journey. In May of 2009 the three divisions of the then National Guard split into three separate branches: The Training Division, the Mobile Infantry, and the Home Guard. The Home Guard’s purpose was to provide a military branch for soldiers who did not wish deploy from the eUS to fight. In the months that followed, that purpose evolved, and the Home Guard was left with no option but to adapt to the ever changing needs of a growing military. In February of 2010 the Home Guard was disbanded and in it’s place stood the new and improved.....

National Guard


Commanding Officer: General jankems
Executive Officer: Lieutenant General Trista Devonaire
Requirements: TC graduates are preferred but exceptions can be made on a case by case basis.
Level - Sharpshooter in one weapon skill
Rank - No minimum
Activity - Moderate. You will need to check eRep and the military forum for orders daily. IRC is not required, but is encouraged.
Enlistment (if not a TC graduate): Application Form

The National Guard of today is a beast of an entirely different color from it’s predecessor, the Home Guard. The NG of today has two separate divisions. Division One is a mobile unit, capable of deploying anywhere in the eWorld with the rest of the military, and is in fact run the same way any other mobile branch of the military is run. Any member of the NG who does not hold a political office, such as a congressional seat or a party presidency, is a part of Division One. Division Two of the National Guard is the home of any citizen who holds a political office that keeps him or her from deploying out of the country but still wishes to serve in the military.

Like many of the other branches of the military, the National Guard as a few companies to its name. While Soldiers are not required to work at these companies, certain benefits are available to those who do, such as more weapons being available to them per week.

Policy regarding participation in politics: Obviously the National Guard is the branch of choice for those who wish to pursue a political career. With a whole division set aside for those who can not deploy due to the game mechanics involved with holding a congressional seat, there is always the possibility of a home for politicians

Interview with a member of the NG

Private Reng is a member of M3, a platoon in Division One. He has been kind enough to take some time out of his day to answer a couple of questions for me.

1. When did you join the National Guard, and how did you become a member (TC transfer, straight admission, etc)?

I joined M3 about a month and a half ago, transferring from Division Two, the Politico division. I came to NG from the Army, when I had won the Congress Elections for Eastern Thailand. So I had to transfer, because I couldn't deploy. After my Congress terms, I stayed in the NG.

2. Why did you decide to stay?

The crowd was friendly, and we moved around less then the Army, which helped with my real life schedule.

3. How would you rate how often you are supplied with weapons/tickets for battles?

Every time I filled out the supply chit, I got weapons. It was supplied quickly and correctly.

4. Have you ever considered becoming an officer?

I have actually, and once the summer was out, I am applying for a TC officer or NG officer. I'm a little busy these days.

5. Do you have a favorite battle or a battle that sticks out in your mind as memorable?

The Mass attacks for Liaoning were fun, because a lot of people were there, and everyone was hyped up to win.

6. Do you have any words of advice for someone interested in joining the NG, or on the flip side of that, someone who is hesitant in considering joining the NG?

The NG, in fact, the entire eUS military, is tons of fun. You'll get free weapons, feel like you're part of something, and be more involved in the game, than just two-clicking.

7. Is there anything you would like to add?

Just to join the eUS military as soon as you possibly can.

This concludes part two of the “Know Your Military” series. Very large thank yous to both Private Reng for the interview and to Colonel Bradley Reala for taking the time to answer my questions about the National Guard and how it works.

The next installment will be covering the Mobile Infantry, so stay tuned.

Know Your Military

Training Corps
Mobile Infantry