Know Your Military - Part Three

Day 952, 17:22 Published in USA USA by Angelini
I apologize for the amount of time it took me to get this article out. My initial schedule was to release one every couple of days. Barring some crazy RL event occurring, the remainder of the articles should continue to follow each other as my original schedule dictated.

The Mobile Infantry is the final of the three branches to come into existence when the original National Guard was disbanded in May of 2009. Towards the end of March of 2009 a new division opened in the National Guard and it was called the National Guard 3rd Division. This was a mobile division created to allow the 2nd Division (the training division) to move their graduates from their rosters and give them a more permanent home. One must keep in mind that at this time in our Military’s history, the Army was going through some internal problems that kept them from accepting new graduates and the 2nd Division was practically overflowing with soldiers who had graduated. When the decision came down to split the National Guard into three separate branches, it made perfect sense to keep the 3rd Division intact and to rename it the...

Mobile Infantry

Commanding Officer: General GoalieBCSC
Executive Officer: Lieutenant General tsewell
Requirements: Strength - Graduates of the TC are preferred but direct admissions are considered on a case by case basis. IRC activity is highly encouraged.
Level - Expert in one weapon skill
Rank - Lieutenant
Activity - Moderate. You will need to check eRep and the military forum for orders daily and be able/willing to deploy on command. IRC is not required, but is encouraged
Enlistment: Application Form

The Mobile Infantry of today is a fine tuned fighting machine. The Quarter Master General (supplies) staff works hard to ensure supplies are handed out in a timely fashion for battles and deployments. Turnout for military mass attacks, which can occur at anytime of the day, are generally high for the MI as well. The MI does have branch companies however working at the companies is completely voluntary. They do love when people work for the betterment of the MI however, and occasionally workers will receive weapons when others do not (during Training Wars or downtime in the war.)

The MI is always on the lookout for dedicated soldiers who wish to become officers. There are a number of officer berths that need to be filled at all times. IRC activity is a must for aspiring officers, so if you are interested show that you are active by joining and participating in the MI’s IRC channel.

Policy regarding participation in politics: Every member of the MI is allowed a one time, one month long leave during which time he or she can run and sit as a congressman. If, after their one month term, they decide to run again they are transferred to the National Guard and are welcomed back at any time once they are out of congress. If they decide not to do it again, they are taken off LoA and are back on active duty.

Interview with a member of the MI

Private Necroman MMO is a member of Bravo One, a platoon in (shockingly enough) Bravo Company. He was amiable to taking his time to answer a couple of my questions.

1. When did you join the MI, and how did you become a member (TC transfer, straight admission, transfer from another branch, etc.)?

I joined back in Early December of 09 and I transferred from Training Corps.

2. How would you rate how often you are supplied with weapons/tickets for battles?

We are always supplied with moving tickets for deployments and I would say for important battles we always have weapons and the Operation Gun Show is awesome to help people who are near ranking up from damage.

3. Are you allowed to elaborate on what Operation Gun Show is, it sounds interesting?

Yes, when you are approaching your next level of ranking up (ie Field Marshall) you follow the rules and you are pretty much 100% sure to get weapons for every fight, including training wars, and sometimes even higher quality weapons for battles to get you ranked up faster. It’s a great way to speed things up

4. Have you ever considered becoming an officer?

I was an officer for awhile but then I let my attitude get in the way so I chose to step down since I wasn’t acting like an officer. I’ve since grown up a little and am working my way back up. I was CXO (Company Executive Officer) for Charlie Company for a couple months though.

5. Do you have a favorite battle or a battle that sticks out in your mind as memorable?

Yea, the fight for Lion King about a month ago because it was epic. I watched the battle page for hours and it was the first time I ever tanked, I sold my company and bought packs just for that fight. We still lost but it was epic.

6. Do you have any words of advice for someone interested in joining the MI, or on the flip side of that, someone who is hesitant in considering joining the MI?

Words of advice would be, "The MI has some great officers who work with developing you further in your military career, and if you have questions all you have to do is ask on the boards or especially on IRC. IRC makes the MI feel more involved so its important to try and get on especially for the mass attacks". If you are hesitant in joining the MI, all I can say is as long as you like to fight for your country and are active enough to check the boards at least 1 time a day and like to travel the MI is for you.

7. Is there anything you would like to add?

I love the MI. The people I have met and talk to daily in IRC are the only reason I even play eRep anymore. Without the irc chat room and a couple of the higher ups I would have quit a long time ago. And just to do a little ass kissing please make sure to include "PIE PWNS CAKE ALWAYS AND FOREVER"

This concludes part three of the “Know Your Military” series. Very large shout outs to Necroman for allowing me to interview him and to Lieutenant Colonel Dimension for taking time to answer my questions about the MI and how it works.

Next up will be the Army.

Know Your Military

Training Corps
National Guard