Justice against egoism

Day 1,586, 13:35 Published in France France by Torfyn

"It has been said that in the end of all things, we would find a new beginning.
But the shadow once again crawls across our world and the stench of Terror drifts on a bitter wind...

Welcome to this second publication of Sword of Justice ! As you can see, I'm writing in english, because I want everyone to be able to read it. I intended to have a french version, but the last Journal Officiel pretty much sums up what I want to say, so only this introduction and the guest's article will have their french version.
I also wanted to apologize for any faults I could make, I'm not perfect when it comes to english.

Thanks a lot, enjoy your reading !

Version française :
Bienvenue sur ce second article de Sword of Justice ! Comme vous pouvez voir ci-dessus, j'écris en anglais, car je veux que tout le monde soit capable de lire. Je voulais faire une version française, mais le dernier Journal Officiel ayant très bien résumé ce que je voulais dire, seule cette introduction et l'article de l'invité auront leur version française.
J'espère toutefois que le fait que mon article soit en anglais ne découragera personne. Sinon, vous pouvez directement aller à la fin pour lire le paragraphe de mon rédacteur invité !

Merci beaucoup, et bonne lecture !

The first time I heard of eRepublik, it was my ex-GF who told me that France was nearly wiped out in a browser game. At that time, I had stopped playing browser games, so I didn't see the interest in beginning to play another one. Much later, April 11th, 2011, I found this news on a famous french website, and I told myself "why not ?". That's the story of how I met your mother how I was eBorn.
I arrived in a France occupied by ONE, without anything (that was before the admin decided you should have a free Q1 food and 3 food raw Q1 at your eBirth) and no understanding of game mechanics. So I started working, training, and fighting for France with my bare hands, my little strength, and health packs.

Me, remembering how much gold I spent on health packs.

When our country was totally wiped out, we were told to move to England (well, now we can say we definitely did, can't we ?) or United States (who actually moved in the south of France). At this moment, I learned something ; we weren't alone in our fight. France had reliable allies against Poland and Spain, and even if we weren't winning, we were worth more than ONE because we were united, solidary and we had honor.
We were the good guys, while ONE was a bunch of honorless, selfish and arrogant countries, not caring about each others as we did (thanks to Leuch for posting such great articles 😃).

At the end of 2011, we took advantage on ONE, France, then Germany were liberated, Serbia kicked out of Italia, and Poland was finally wiped, even if it was only for a few moments. It feels like a righteous victory, because we triumphed over these powerful countries by being organised and honorable.
But even if TEDEN was dominating, it happens that some countries began to be affected by being on the top, and they did exactly what ONE have done, they fell into the trap : they became self-centered.

Come on, it was obvious !

What was only a feud between Bulgaria and Turkey became more and more serious ; Bulgaria started complaining about being treated like crap, while TEDEN was telling them not to fall into this trap (thanks to AlexMCS182) and to remember what brotherhood means (thanks to Leuch again) ; some solutions were proposed (thanks to Laki8472), but it seems that their ego had become too big for a compromise.
Meanwhile, ONE countries (Serbia first) saw an opportunity here and tricked (thanks to smee again) Bulgaria on the path of selfishness ; and finally, as Adam and Eve before, Bulgaria left EDEN because they have listened to the wrong people.
It sounded like a joke (thanks to Robocal) but the reality is here : we are fighting our former friends and allies, who betrayed us because they wanted their interest to be put before TEDEN's.

So what now ? Shall we give up because one of us fell to the bad side ? Shall we accept that the leaving of Bulgaria will lead us to defeat again ?

NO !

Clearly, things have became tougher now and hard times are coming for us, but what happened must remind us that selfishness is not the good way, and that we can only win through sacrifices, compromises and union. We must not let this became a triumph and a source of joy for ONE, and we must show them that we are ready to do what it is right to fight them.
So I would like to thank those who did not forgot what it means to be TEDEN's.
- France, who lets its colonies and bonuses go to help Italia.
- Albania, who spent a lot of damages against Serbia in the epic battle of Liguria, instead of fighting in RW.
- All of our allies, who keep fighting against all odds because they know that victory is only possible by coordination and sacrifices.

All hope is not gone, and even if we're gonna face defeats, we will stand and fight proudly against ONE, and never give up, because we know we're doing the right thing.

Yesterday, TEDEN fought hard in Liguria, and we finally won. The future will be made of epic battles like this, and we will not win them all. But today, I can say proudly that I'm a Terran up the night (sorry for EDEN people, I don't have any wordplay or badass song, but you're awesome 😃).

To Bulgarian people : stop being fooled by ONE, selfishness will give you nothing but enemies. You do not want Turkey because it's a former enemy, but you prefer to listen to Serbia, Hungary and Poland rather than Croatia, Romania and Greece ? Don't go further in that way, you worth better than that.

Hail TEDEN !

I will now yield the floor to Dhelk, famous eFrench politician and a great journalist, who kindly accepted to write a some paragraphs about the Bulgaria-Turkey conflict.

"Heaviness of pride or superiority complex ?

Since a few days, the question seems composed. Many observers tried to clear up the improbable mystery according to which a group of nations can be able to falling into the faults from which the enemy had been able to suffer previously. Because, if TERRA and EDEN had taken advantage by chance of the internal discord of ONE to knock down the vapour a few months ago, both seem to have decided to make a commitment in a similar way of their best enemy, which, eventually, could provoke their loss. This is nothing less than a paradox.

A so witty paradox, that we almost forget that, in the New World, the weight of History is just insignificant. The speed to which are linked the events, makes follow, not a continuation of introspective thoughts (as we could be able to think about it), but aggravated feelings which drives the leaders - monthly renewed - to be ceaselessly involved in "breaking-policies" which weaken, unquestionably, internationalized cooperative structures such as the alliances. It is a so striking unlikeliness, that we could be easily made think it is nothing less than a superiority complex there. The guilt of the winner, which, unconsciously, catches its acts up and brings him to sabotage his own triumph.

Nevertheless, not content with having fed a so ridiculous paradox - but which the psychological dimension could appear as an attenuating circumstance - TERRA and EDEN also attempted to feed a contradiction, which, although universal in the New World, could be anticipated. Thus, two opposed notions develop themselves in the most improbable parallel : on one side the wild rhythm of the eRepublikan History, and of the other one, the sustainability without obstacle of the resentment and the badly placed pride. The diplomatic masquerade we all witnessed this week, directly ensues from the subsistence of this extravagance. Considering the very marked impact of the outer inheritances onto eRepublikan Foreign Affairs, it was evident that a simple alliance of circumstances would not be an antidote effective enough to allow Bulgaria and Turkey to durably put aside their antagonisms. Proud, intoxicated by their brilliance of circumstance, these two nations chose to devote to their good old quarrels. And so, with the fingertip, they delicately made the first domino of discord fall.

Consequences, Bulgaria leaves EDEN, ONE exults and TERRA publicly takes offence, relegating the approximations of command, frequently pointed these last months in TEDEN HQ, in the background. Sulphurous Turkish-Bulgarian romance so becomes, in the eyes of many, the essential explanatory factor of the bait of destabilization of the couple TERRA/EDEN, whereas the necessary introspection is still not in the agenda...

Dhelk, for Sword of Justice."

Version française :
Je vais maintenant laisser la parole à Dhelk, célèbre politicien eFrançais et grand journaliste, qui a gentiment accepté de m'écrire quelques paragraphes sur le conflit Bulgaro-Turc.

"Le poids de l'orgueil ou le complexe de supériorité ?

Depuis quelques jours, la question semble posée. Bien des observateurs ont tenté d'éclaircir l'improbable mystère selon lequel un groupement de nations peut être capable de tomber dans les travers dont l'ennemi avait pu pâtir une poignée de semaines auparavant. Car, si TERRA et EDEN avaient fortuitement profité de la discorde interne de ONE pour renverser la vapeur il y a quelques mois à peine, ces deux là ont l'air d'avoir décidé de s'engager dans une voie analogue à celle de leur meilleure ennemie qui, à terme, pourrait bel et bien provoquer leur perte. Il s'agit ni plus ni moins d'un paradoxe.

Un paradoxe si cocasse, que l'on en vient presque à oublier que, dans le Nouveau Monde, le poids de l'Histoire est quasiment insignifiant. La vitesse à laquelle s'enchaînent les évènements font se succéder, non pas une suite de réflexions introspectives (comme nous pourrions être en mesure de le penser), mais des sentiments exacerbés qui conduisent les dirigeants - mensuellement renouvelés - à sans cesse s'embringuer dans des "politiques-ruptures" qui fragilisent, sans conteste, des structures coopératives internationalisées telles que les alliances. S'agissant d'une invraisemblance tellement saisissante, on pourrait aisément être amené à penser qu'il s'agit-là ni plus ni moins d'un complexe de supériorité. La culpabilité du vainqueur qui, inconsciemment, rattrape ses actes et l'amène à saboter son propre triomphe.

Néanmoins, non contents d'avoir nourri un paradoxe aussi ridicule - mais dont la dimension intangible pouvait apparaître comme une circonstance atténuante - TERRA et EDEN se sont également attachés à alimenter une contradiction, qui, bien qu'universelle dans le Nouveau Monde, pouvait de toute évidence être anticipée. Se développent ainsi, dans un parallèle des plus improbables, deux notions largement antithétiques : d'un côté le rythme effréné de l'Histoire eRepublikaine, et de l'autre, la pérennisation sans obstacle de la rancœur et de l'orgueil mal placé. La mascarade diplomatique à laquelle nous avons tous pu assister cette semaine, découle directement de la subsistance de cette extravagance. Considérant la portée très marquée des héritages extérieurs sur les affaires étrangères eRepublikaines, il était évident qu'une simple alliance de circonstances ne serait pas un antidote suffisamment efficace pour permettre à la Bulgarie et la Turquie de mettre durablement leurs antagonismes de côté. Enorgueillies, grisées par leur rayonnement de circonstance, ces deux nations ont choisi de s'adonner à leurs bonnes vieilles querelles et ainsi, du bout du doigt, délicatement faire choir le premier domino de la discorde.

Conséquences, la Bulgarie quitte EDEN, ONE jubile et TERRA s'offusque publiquement, reléguant les approximations de commandement fréquemment pointées du doigt ces-derniers temps dans les QG de TEDEN au second plan. La sulfureuse romance turco-bulgare devient ainsi aux yeux de beaucoup le facteur explicatif essentiel de l'amorce de déstabilisation du couple TERRA/EDEN, tandis que l'introspection nécessaire n'est toujours pas à l'ordre du jour...

Dhelk, pour Sword of Justice."

This kitten is having some trouble to read my whole article... do you ?
Ce chaton a du mal à lire mon article en entier... et vous ?

Congratulations to all of you who read everything, and thank you for it 😃
Merci à tous ceux d'entre vous qui ont tout lu, et merci pour ça 😃